[eledmac] Distribution of text in reledpar edition (faced pages)

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Please: I'm having problems to receive posts of the list. If someone wishes to help, please answer with copy to my mail: wiewiorka2004-varia /AT/ yahoo.es 

I have a main document and different subdocuments included by the command \include{name_of_document}. They are parts of a parallel (in faced pages) edition based on reledpar.
The structure I want is as follows:
Each included file must start with a title page in a odd page so that its back, an even page, could be occupied by the original text and the odd page with the translation. However, in my case, this is so only in the first included subdocument... The rest of subdocuments always have their title page in a even page. For this reason, their following page -an odd page- rests empty.
So, how could I get this structure:
odd page= title page 
even page (=back of this title page)=original text
odd page= translation
and so on...

The structure of these subdocuments is as follows:

\textbf{\textit{\huge{Liryki zebrane}}}%Title of this subdocument


\textbf{\textit{\huge{Poemes reunits}}}%Translated title


Any idea? Thanks in advance.


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