1) Only one \beginnumbering…\endnumbering by Leftside / Rightside environment. So for your problem :
1) if you want to have page break between each poem, use one \begin{pages} … \end{pages} \Pages structure by poem
2) if you do not want it, use \setline{1} at the begin of the first verse of your next poem. On the second run, it will get the correct line number
1) You can do your \setstanzaindents{7,0} \setcounter{stanzaindentsrepetition}{1} only once in the preamble
Le 22 mars 2016 à 18:34,
wiewiorka2004-varia@xxxxxxxx a écrit :
> Hallo again, list!
> First of all, I'll try to explain what I'd wish to obtain with the piece of code added below. I'd wish to edit with the help of ledpar two poems, each of them composed of more than one stanza, so that in the left page we have the texts in original language and in the right one their translated versions. The versal numeration has to start from zero with each poem (for this I'm using different begin/end-numbering environments). The code I have written is this:
> ===CODE===
> \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{book}
> %Comment the following to have chapters numbered without interruption (numbering through parts)
> %\makeatletter\@addtoreset{chapter}{part}\makeatother%
> \usepackage{polyglossia,fontspec,xunicode}
> \usepackage{libertine}
> \setmainlanguage{catalan}
> \setotherlanguage{polish}
> \usepackage{reledmac}
> \usepackage[shiftedpstarts]{reledpar}
> %\numberlinefalse
> \sethangingsymbol{[\,}
> \maxchunks{5120}
> \begin{document}
> \begin{pages}
> \begin{Leftside}
> \selectlanguage{polish}
> %\date{}
> \beginnumbering
> \setstanzaindents{7,0}
> \setcounter{stanzaindentsrepetition}{1}
> %\pstart
> %%%Here, the first poem, original
> \stanza
> W gaju chodzą święte mężatki,&
> święte mężatki i wdowe.&
> Z jednorożcem chodzą subtelnym,&
> zwierzem ironicznym, zwierzem z bajki.&
> Wśród ciepłych ziół aptekarskich,&
> pasą się bazyliszki&
> pękate. Jedzą owoce z namyśłem.&
> Strusowie gniazdo usłali&
> z ostrych i zdrowych kamieni.\&[\vspace*{-0.25 cm}]
> \stanza
> Pod laurem, którego liście obracają się,&
> pod laurem, którego liście&
> są twarde jak skóra na propręgu,&
> śpi czyste dziecko&
> umyte w strumieniu.\&[\vspace*{0.50 cm}]
> \endnumbering
> %%%%Here, the second poem, original.
> \beginnumbering
> \setstanzaindents{7,0}
> \setcounter{stanzaindentsrepetition}{1}
> \stanza
> Oto godzina czuła,&
> godzina tęgiego entuzjazmu,&
> godzina niezwykle elastyczna i rozumna.\&[\vspace*{-0.25 cm}]
> \stanza
> Nocą,&
> kiedy woda płynie cicho&
> jak krew w ciele,&
> kiedy powietrze potężne jest,&
> pod gwiazdami ostry taniec nasz płonie&
> jak nieustająca&
> wspaniałość.\&[\vspace*{0.50 cm}]
> \endnumbering
> \end{Leftside}
> \begin{Rightside}
> \selectlanguage{catalan}
> \beginnumbering
> \setstanzaindents{7,0}
> \setcounter{stanzaindentsrepetition}{1}
> %\pstart
> %%%Here, the first poem in translation.
> \stanza
> Pel boscatge pasegen santes casades,&
> santes casades i vídues.&
> D'un subtil unicorn s'acompanyen,&
> animal irònic, animal de contes.&
> Entre càlides plantes farmacèutiques&
> peixen els basiliscos&
> rodanxons. Mengen fruites amb delectança.&
> Els estruços han fet el niu&
> amb pedres esmolades i sanes.\&[\vspace*{-0.25 cm}]
> \stanza
> Sota un llorer de fulles que es mouen,&
> sota un llorer de fulles&
> dures com la pell d'una cingla,&
> hi dorm un xiquet net&
> rentat en un rierol.\&[\vspace*{0.50 cm}]
> %\pend
> \endnumbering
> %%%Here, the second poem in translation.
> \beginnumbering
> \setstanzaindents{7,0}
> \setcounter{stanzaindentsrepetition}{1}
> \stanza
> Heus ací l'hora tendra,&
> l'hora de l'entusiasme intens,&
> hora excepcionalment elàstica i plena de seny.\&[\vspace*{-0.25 cm}]
> \stanza
> De nit,&
> quan l'aigua flueix calma&
> com la sang al cos,&
> quan l'aire bufa potent,&
> sota l'estelada flameja la nostra abrandada dansa&
> incessant&
> magnificència.\&[\vspace*{0.50 cm}]
> \endnumbering
> \end{Rightside}
> \end{pages}
> \Pages
> \end{document}
> ===END OF CODE===
> It compiles fine... but, after compilation, the first text disapear. In the pdf I have only the second text. I have read all what I have (manuals of reledpar, differnt sources in the Internet...) and I have no idea where is my fault. The program says that "process exited normaly"... but I'm rather not agree... Could you help me with any idea about?
> One question more. For simplicity, I don't have yet added the titles of the poems. When I'll add them to the texts, must I have to do it inside the stanza structure or outside? I think about in order to index them without problems.
> A lot of thanks for your attention.
> Josep