Re: [eledmac] needs test

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No differences at all in my code.

Il giorno mar 4 ago 2015 alle ore 16:28 Maïeul Rouquette <maieul@xxxxxxxxxxx> ha scritto:
Dear (r)eledpar  users,

I would ask you to make a test.

One user have open an issue. To solve this issue, we should add


However, this come back before a correction made by Peter Wilson, the original author of ledpar. He does not remember why he did that.

So I would like to have feedback in order to know if I could revert this correction without risk.

So my test is :
a) in a (r)(e)ledpar file,  add

in preamble
b) Run and made feedback if there is problem with synchronism of line added by this modification.

Many thanks



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