[eledmac] reledmac beta 1 is release

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I have finished reledmac beta 1.

All the test with the examples files are ok.

Now, I need user test.

If you want to do it, please do the following things:
- download http://geekographie.maieul.net/IMG/zip/reledmac-beta1.zip
- unzip it.
- put the .sty file around you .tex.
- changes \usepackage{eledmac} to \usepackage{reledmac} and \usepackage{eledpar} to \usepackage{reledpar}.
- read the handbook in the .zip file, AppendixA.9 (reledmac) and AppendixA.2 (reledpar) in order to know other change to make in your file.
- send feedback via github issues (and ONLY via github issue) https://github.com/maieul/ledmac/issues

many thanks for your feedbacks.


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