[eledmac] formatting critical endnotes

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I need to put a huge apparatus into endnotes. (Actually I want to put it in a separate volume in the end, but this should work just fine with the help of endnotes.)

To make it somehow easy to use, I aim for an endnote-layout, that resembles the footnotes produced with the options:


But I couldn't find the equivalent commands for endnotes in the documentation. 

On top of that, I'd like to have a similar mechanism for page-numbers, so that I get something like:

p. 1
      1  xxx] yyy, AB
          a] b, BC
          qwert] azer, C
      2  ccc] ddd, AE
      5  eee] fff, AD


p. 2
      2  uuu] + u, C
      4–6  sdf–ghj] Duis fermentum, metus
                   sed congue gravida, arcu dui
                   ornare urna, ut imperdiet enim
                   odio dignissim ipsum., A
      8  klm] om. ABC

Am I just looking in the wrong places or are these options undocumented or should this be a feature-request?

Best regards,


Florian Grammel

Copenhagen, Denmark

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