[eledmac] Fwd: CTAN Upload: eledmac

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> Hi Maïeul,
> On Sat, 25 Apr 2015 19:15:56 +0200 (CEST)
> CTAN Portal Service <no-reply@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Upload information:
>> Package:        eledmac
>> Summary:        Typeset scholarly editions.
>> Version:        1.22.0 2015-04-25
>> Author:         Maïeul Rouquette
>> Author email:   maieul@xxxxxxxxxx
>> Location:       /macros/latex/contrib/eledmac
>> License:        lppl1.3
>> Announcement:
>> -----------------------------------------
>> People should read Appendix A.7 of the handbook before migrating
>> For endnotes:
>> - new \doendnotesbysection command
>> - option for lemma separator inside endnotes
>> - Standardize endnotes handbook (§5.1.3)
>> For indices:
>> - Adds hyperlink for references to notes in indices.
>> - Provides support for xindy (read §12.1)
>> Bugfix
>> - Fix bug (added on v1.19.2) with \symlinenum hook when the argument
>> is a not full expandable macro, like \textbardbl
>> - Fix conflict between noend pack- age option and edtabularx envi-
>> ronments
>> - When using hyperref package, internal links in index or with
>> \edlineref are now targeted to the top and not longer to the bottom
>> of the lines they refer to. -----------------------------------------
>> Note:           ----
> Thanks for the upload. I've installed the new version and updated the
> catalogue repository.
> The changes should become available on the mirrors within the next 24
> hours. Then I will post the announcement.

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