[eledmac] eledpar and notes from left to right pages and right to left pages

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Hi everyone,

I have advanced on the system for eledpar notes for left and right page. And I think I know why Sergey Kim said it does not working.

The default maximum height for notes is set to 0.8\vsize. As LaTeX does. However, that is done before the \vsize is set to \textheight. 
Consequently, 0.8\vsize>\textheight. That is a problem when eledpar clean left page to go the right page, and vice versa (cf 

So the best way to solve it is to change the footnote maximum size with \maxhnotesX and \maxhXnotes. I think a good size is 0.6\textwidth. However, that depend of many parameter, especially \goalfraction. But with 3 levels of note, my test with \maxhnotesX{0.65\textheight} and \renewcommand*{\goalfraction}{0.70} was good.

I could change the default maximum height for note, but I am afraid to break old typesetting, especially when using only eledmac and not eledpar. That why I would prefer to explain it in the eledpar handbook.

In any case, I am pride to say that now, it's possible to use \onlysideX and onlyXside to define notes for only Left or Right side. 

All is the new branch "issue17" (I have made cleanup, and deleted issue-17ter).

A am still awaiting feedback. Tomorrow, I will try to add a new feature : starts not on left page, but add the footmark in right page


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