Re: [eledmac] Eledmac 1.8.3-eledpar 1.12.2

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oups, it is eledmac 1.12.3 and eledpar 1.8.2
Le 14 août 2014 à 15:47, Maïeul Rouquette <maieul@xxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

> Dear users,
> I have just send now in CTAN new release of eledmac/eledpar.
> This re­lease:
> - add \lin­eation*, to set the lin­eation for both sides in eled­par.
> - send a mes­sage er­ror when call \ed­text with­out notes.
> - fixes some bug:
>  - Prob­lem with side and fa­mil­iar notes in tab­u­lars en­vi­ron­ment 
>  - Prob­lem with \eledxxx with some pa­per sizes
>  - \ledin­ner­note and \led­outer­note were wrong when called at page top.
>  - un­der­line lemma in \eledxxx when us­ing the draft mode
>  - left and right notes was buged in some par­tic­u­lar case (bug added by 1.8.0)
> Maïeul

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