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Investment Times Alert Issues: (S T R O N G  B U Y)
We want to congratulate all of our members who read our
Trading Alert on  W T A F  last time.
That would be well over a 300% gain from these levels.
So if you haven't done your DD yet, you better hurry because
it appears that the huge move is about to start.
Can you make some fast money on this one? Put it on your
radar now.

Date : 05.06.06
Company Name : Wataire Industries Inc.
Ticker : W T A F Timing is everything!
Price : $0.60
8 Day Target : $1 - $3
Recommendation : 10(10)

Put  W T A F  on your radar's now.
Big news expected. This should invoke LARGE gains.
Urgent watch alert for all members starting now.

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