[eigen] Regression in 3.4.0: EulerAngles computes wrong angles?

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Hello everyone,

this was one of the cases where you think you’re going crazy, until you realize that might be a core library bug. In this case, it looks like that a regression in 3.4.0 causes a totally wrong result given by Eigen::EulerAngles for a certain gymbal lock configuration when the input quaternion has some tiny floating point noise.

I have opened an issue on Gitlab with a code sample which reproduces the issue on Godbolt. When the library version on Godbolt is changed 3.3.9, it computes the correct answer.

Here’s the issue:

Could someone confirm that I’m not going crazy? :D I know that EulerAngles is in Eigen-unsupported, but still it shouldn’t be messing up this bad.

Regards, Juraj

Laboratory for Robotics and Intelligent Control Systems
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
University of Zagreb

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