Re: [eigen] Eigen::Block to Eigen::MatrixBase conversion problem

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Dear Antonio,

Am 03.02.23 um 17:54 schrieb Antonio Sanchez:
The `apply()` function has a different "Derived" type, which is why it fails.  MatrixBase<Matrix...> and MatrixBase<Block...> are two different types.

If you want a single manipulator like this that can take either a Matrix or a Block, you need to use an Eigen::Ref<Matrix...> (passed by value).  See <>. <>

thanks for your advice and example. I had actually tried Eigen::Ref before and failed.
So I took another look at it, and found that there is actually one edge case,
that is failing, and I happened to test the on: <>
i.e. col() for RowMajor and a row() for a ColumnMajor Matrix fails for me.

Now this is not a show stopper for my project, but I guess that's not intended behaviour.
However the failure has some advantages, namely ruling out inefficient code,
so this could be intended.

Best regards

/// Here's the Ref version that fails with -DFAIL

#include <iostream>
#include <Eigen/Core>

typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor> Matrix;

/// Ref-Value call
template <typename Derived>
void mulValue_ref(Eigen::Ref<Derived> r, const double s)
    r *= 1.0 / s;

template <typename Derived>
class Manipulator

        void set_manipulator_ref(std::function<void(Eigen::Ref<Derived>,  const double)> mulValue_ref_)
            fr = mulValue_ref_;

        void apply_ref(Eigen::Ref<Derived> r, const double s)
            fr(r, s);

        std::function<void(Eigen::Ref<Derived>, const double)>  fr;

int main()
    Matrix testMatrix(3, 3);
    auto B = testMatrix.block(0, 1, 3, 2);

    // ----------------
    // the Ref version
    // ----------------

    Manipulator<Matrix> m;
    m.apply_ref(testMatrix, 2.0);
    m.apply_ref(B, 5.0);
    m.apply_ref(testMatrix.block(0, 0, 2, 2), 2.0);
    m.apply_ref(testMatrix.row(0), 0.1);
#ifdef FAIL
    m.apply_ref(testMatrix.col(0), 0.2);
    std::cout << "testMatrix after Refs:\n" << testMatrix << std::endl << std::endl;
    return 0;

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