Re: [eigen] Making a contribution (1st time)

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Hey! I'm not an Eigen maintainer but have contributed to Eigen before (and maintain other projects so am jumping in to help the Eigen team)

You might find a task that interests you in the "junior job" list.

In my experience the easiest to start with are *extending* existing features (e.g. vectorising an extra function) - that way you can copy the code for how the existing functions are implemented. As an example, searching for "additional" pulled up this ticket, which would be extending something existing:

Let us know if we can help with specific steps/the overall process. If you're thinking about a larger feature, this is a talk on how we liked contributors to ROS 2 to work with us as maintainers - probably overlaps with Eigen too.



Deanna Hood
2022 Australian Young Professional Engineer of the Year

On Tue, Dec 20, 2022 at 5:39 AM Sena Tarpan <sena.tarpan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

my name is Sena Tarpan and I am a Computer Science master's student at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. I attend a course named Simulation Software Engineering.
In this course, we are assigned to make a contribution to an open-source project and I would like to make a contribution to the Eigen. I have approximately 2 months to make
the contribution from beginning to end. I would be happy if you make an
assignment an issue to be contributed or give any advice on how to proceed
to make a contribution. Thank you for your time and consideration.


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