Re: [eigen] Call for survey questions

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Is anyone currently working on this? Or willing to start working on it?

Another question which came up here:

Is anyone using/setting/changing Eigen-preprocessor directives such as EIGEN_FAST_MATH?
More generally anything from:

Sub-question: Used in production/Only in legacy projects/Only for "toy-projects" -- but that sub-question could be asked for every question (and maybe makes the survey too complicated).

If someone wants to handle this survey, do you need help in any form? Or access to anything?

An alternative (or addition) to the survey would be to comb through open-source projects and -- if they use Eigen -- try to automatically analyze things like what modules are used, what language standard is used, etc (depending on the thoroughness this is probably more complicated than doing a survey).


On 21/02/2019 17.54, David Tellenbach wrote:
Hello together,

as discussed in another mail thread, this mail thread tries to gather questions that are suitable for a little survey among Eigen users and developers to find out how and with which tools Eigen is currently used and how and with which tools Eigen will be used in the future.

I think focussing on simple checkbox questions or questions that can be answered in one or two sentences is a good idea.


 Dr.-Ing. Christoph Hertzberg

 Besuchsadresse der Nebengeschäftsstelle:
 Robotics Innovation Center
 Robert-Hooke-Straße 5
 28359 Bremen, Germany

 Postadresse der Hauptgeschäftsstelle Standort Bremen:
 Robotics Innovation Center
 Robert-Hooke-Straße 1
 28359 Bremen, Germany

 Tel.:     +49 421 178 45-4021
 Zentrale: +49 421 178 45-0
 E-Mail:   christoph.hertzberg@xxxxxxx

 Weitere Informationen:
  Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH
  Trippstadter Strasse 122, D-67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany

  Prof. Dr. Jana Koehler (Vorsitzende)
  Dr. Walter Olthoff

  Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
  Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes
  Amtsgericht Kaiserslautern, HRB 2313

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