sorry for the misunderstanding. This list was not meant to be a final list of questions to answer but a summary of all questions that came up so far.
After we agreed on a final list of questions I will create a little survey (most likely using Google Forms).
Thanks, David
Here my answers : in red
I use Eigen for:
Hello together,
the possible survey questions that came up so fare are the following. Please mention corrections and additions.
1. With which C++ version are you using Eigen today? - C++03 - C++11 - C++14 - C++17 - C++20
2. With which C++ version will you likely be using Eigen in 2021? - C++03 - C++11 - C++14 - C++17 - C++20
3. With which C++ compiler are you using Eigen? - MSVC 2010 or older - MSVC 2012 - MSVC 2013 - MSVC 2015 - MSVC 2017 - MSVC 2019 - Clang 4 or older - Clang 5 - Clang 6 - Clang 7 or newer - GCC 4.8 or older - GCC 4.9 - GCC 5 - GCC 6 - GCC 7 - GCC 8 or newer - ICC 16 or older - ICC 17 - ICC 18 - ICC 19 or newer - XCode 8 or older - XCode 9 - XCode 10 or newer
4. On which architecture are you using Eigen?
-x86 32 bits - x86-64 - ARM - CUDA - HIP - SYCL - MIPS - Altivec - VSX - ZVector
5. Are you using Eigen with Intel MKL enabled?
Yes 6. Which of the following unsupported Eigen modules are you using? - Adolc forward module - Aligned vector3 module - Arpack support module - Auto Diff module - BVH module - Tensor Module - Tensor Symmetry Module - C++11 ThreadPool Module - EulerAngles module - Fast Fourier Transform module - Iterative solvers module - KroneckerProduct module - Levenberg-Marquardt module - Matrix functions module - More vectorization module - MPFRC++ Support module - Non linear optimization module - Numerical differentiation module - OpenGL Support module - Polynomials module - Skyline module - SparseExtra module - Special math functions module - Spline and spline fitting module
7. What would you like the most? - More frequent releases - More and faster bug fixes - Speed improvements - More rapid dropping of older C++ standards in favour of newer C++ feature support - More features, name one
Cheers, David