Re: [eigen] Google Summer of Code 2018 - Symmetric Matrices for Eigen

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Hello together,

first of all: Thank you again for supporting the idea of implementing a class
for hermitian matrices in Eigen.

I would be happy if you could give me some feedback on what I have implemented
so far:

I've decided to name the class HermitianMatrix and to store either the upper or
lower triangular part in rectangular full packed format as suggested by some of
you. For further information about this storage format see

The current implementation consists of the following functionality:

  1. Constructors to build a HermitianMatrix by passing a dense Matrix. The
     elements are stored in a dense Matrix in either row or column major.
  2. Core evaluators for providing the methods coeff(), coeffRef() and the
     operator ()
  3. Sum and difference assignment operators += and -=
  4. CwiseBinaryOp for supporting addition and subtraction of two hermitian
  5. Assignment of CwiseBinaryOp to HermitianMatrix. 

All methods try to use transform the problems of hermitian matrices to problems
of the underlying dense matrix that stores the matrix elements. 

A problem I'm currently facing is the following: In the case of complex scalars,
I want to support real hermitian and not just symmetric matrices. That means when
the upper triangular part of a matrix is stored in RFPF and the method coeff() or
coeffRef() is called for an element in the lower triangular part, the complex
conjugated should be returned. Any idea how this could be handled?

I have benchmarked (using Google benchmark) some functionality I've implemented
and it looks very good. As an attachment you find some of the benchmark results
for addition (including evaluation) for fixed and dynamically sized matrices.

I would be really happy about some feedback.

All the best,

Running ./sum_with_assignment_dynamic
Run on (8 X 2300 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
  L1 Data 32K (x4)
  L1 Instruction 32K (x4)
  L2 Unified 262K (x4)
  L3 Unified 6291K (x1)
Benchmark                                    Time           CPU Iterations
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int>/500           40842 ns      40839 ns      16874
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int>/1000         179075 ns     179055 ns       3931
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int>/1500         545291 ns     545134 ns       1194
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int>/2000        1117085 ns    1117051 ns        627
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int>/2500        1854680 ns    1854175 ns        366
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int>/3000        2719936 ns    2719722 ns        263
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int>/3500        3675831 ns    3675587 ns        189
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int>/4000        4905195 ns    4904090 ns        134
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int>/4500        6331792 ns    6329981 ns        104
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int>/5000        9469737 ns    9468338 ns         71
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int>/5500       13265203 ns   13264098 ns         51
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int>/6000       17246663 ns   17246675 ns         40
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int>/6500       21793114 ns   21791061 ns         33
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int>/7000       24307023 ns   24307034 ns         29
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int>/7500       28498900 ns   28487320 ns         25
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int>/8000       31986509 ns   31984591 ns         22
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int>/8500       38354968 ns   38337294 ns         17
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int>/9000       44294826 ns   44292933 ns         15
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int>/9500       49010163 ns   49010000 ns         13
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int>/10000      54598965 ns   54596250 ns         12
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double>/500        79776 ns      79774 ns       8279
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double>/1000      460592 ns     460568 ns       1385
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double>/1500     1271036 ns    1271035 ns        508
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double>/2000     2376715 ns    2376549 ns        295
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double>/2500     3753730 ns    3752721 ns        183
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double>/3000     5409910 ns    5409910 ns        111
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double>/3500     9117958 ns    9116368 ns         76
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double>/4000    15416583 ns   15411319 ns         47
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double>/4500    20023412 ns   20012061 ns         33
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double>/5000    25765077 ns   25761148 ns         27
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double>/5500    30329416 ns   30327652 ns         23
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double>/6000    38334114 ns   38333059 ns         17
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double>/6500    48696232 ns   48688000 ns         14
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double>/7000    53890019 ns   53889000 ns         12
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double>/7500    64413929 ns   64394444 ns          9
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double>/8000    73745602 ns   73744667 ns          9
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double>/8500    86173302 ns   86162286 ns          7
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double>/9000    96114298 ns   96106000 ns          7
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double>/9500   113459816 ns  113453800 ns          5
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double>/10000  126311952 ns  126305400 ns          5
BM_MatrixSum<int>/500                    82016 ns      82015 ns       7838
BM_MatrixSum<int>/1000                  458210 ns     458207 ns       1366
BM_MatrixSum<int>/1500                 1314947 ns    1314784 ns        551
BM_MatrixSum<int>/2000                 2364923 ns    2363754 ns        297
BM_MatrixSum<int>/2500                 3815049 ns    3814777 ns        184
BM_MatrixSum<int>/3000                 5404607 ns    5404604 ns        111
BM_MatrixSum<int>/3500                 8981025 ns    8980865 ns         74
BM_MatrixSum<int>/4000                14844169 ns   14843021 ns         48
BM_MatrixSum<int>/4500                21050318 ns   21045406 ns         32
BM_MatrixSum<int>/5000                24990336 ns   24990320 ns         25
BM_MatrixSum<int>/5500                31500755 ns   31496773 ns         22
BM_MatrixSum<int>/6000                38326938 ns   38305235 ns         17
BM_MatrixSum<int>/6500                46071499 ns   46071538 ns         13
BM_MatrixSum<int>/7000                53987554 ns   53983667 ns         12
BM_MatrixSum<int>/7500                63014770 ns   63002700 ns         10
BM_MatrixSum<int>/8000                73295392 ns   73290556 ns          9
BM_MatrixSum<int>/8500                85687893 ns   85685143 ns          7
BM_MatrixSum<int>/9000                96045342 ns   96041286 ns          7
BM_MatrixSum<int>/9500               114898166 ns  114824333 ns          6
BM_MatrixSum<int>/10000              125300289 ns  125299400 ns          5
BM_MatrixSum<double>/500                178109 ns     178091 ns       3733
BM_MatrixSum<double>/1000              1093186 ns    1093153 ns        593
BM_MatrixSum<double>/1500              2612725 ns    2612725 ns        265
BM_MatrixSum<double>/2000              4814101 ns    4814109 ns        129
BM_MatrixSum<double>/2500              9187167 ns    9187178 ns         73
BM_MatrixSum<double>/3000             17640873 ns   17636333 ns         39
BM_MatrixSum<double>/3500             25020597 ns   25018074 ns         27
BM_MatrixSum<double>/4000             31511644 ns   31511000 ns         21
BM_MatrixSum<double>/4500             43899589 ns   43899133 ns         15
BM_MatrixSum<double>/5000             55585714 ns   55583727 ns         11
BM_MatrixSum<double>/5500             69329502 ns   69324778 ns          9
BM_MatrixSum<double>/6000             84413952 ns   84414286 ns          7
BM_MatrixSum<double>/6500            104098243 ns  104085667 ns          6
BM_MatrixSum<double>/7000            126201333 ns  126198400 ns          5
BM_MatrixSum<double>/7500            149953446 ns  149947750 ns          4
BM_MatrixSum<double>/8000            186563867 ns  186515667 ns          3
BM_MatrixSum<double>/8500            205372371 ns  205367667 ns          3
BM_MatrixSum<double>/9000            272266877 ns  272238500 ns          2
BM_MatrixSum<double>/9500            296817304 ns  296818000 ns          2
BM_MatrixSum<double>/10000           334373061 ns  334344000 ns          2

PNG image

2018-06-10 22:56:02
Running ./sum_with_assignment_fixed
Run on (8 X 2300 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
  L1 Data 32K (x4)
  L1 Instruction 32K (x4)
  L2 Unified 262K (x4)
  L3 Unified 6291K (x1)
Benchmark                                   Time           CPU Iterations
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int, 5>               2 ns          2 ns  298234029
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int, 10>              5 ns          5 ns  130853351
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int, 15>              9 ns          9 ns   72996507
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int, 20>             24 ns         24 ns   28478090
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int, 25>             37 ns         37 ns   18147691
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int, 30>             52 ns         52 ns   12703022
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int, 35>             75 ns         75 ns    8540543
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int, 40>             96 ns         96 ns    6990563
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int, 45>            250 ns        250 ns    2800538
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int, 50>            145 ns        145 ns    4604627
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int, 55>            537 ns        537 ns    1244157
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int, 60>            210 ns        210 ns    3347905
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int, 65>            246 ns        246 ns    2831543
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int, 70>            286 ns        285 ns    2476596
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int, 75>            371 ns        370 ns    1962918
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int, 80>            549 ns        549 ns    1227618
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int, 85>            732 ns        732 ns     933308
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int, 90>            787 ns        786 ns     857192
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int, 95>            868 ns        868 ns     733414
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<int, 100>           985 ns        985 ns     672198
BM_MatrixSum<int, 5>                        2 ns          2 ns  309601631
BM_MatrixSum<int, 10>                       8 ns          8 ns   89557586
BM_MatrixSum<int, 15>                      26 ns         26 ns   26726840
BM_MatrixSum<int, 20>                      45 ns         45 ns   16098319
BM_MatrixSum<int, 25>                      82 ns         82 ns    8534816
BM_MatrixSum<int, 30>                     115 ns        114 ns    6036825
BM_MatrixSum<int, 35>                     155 ns        155 ns    4354290
BM_MatrixSum<int, 40>                     575 ns        575 ns    1207417
BM_MatrixSum<int, 45>                     245 ns        245 ns    2829026
BM_MatrixSum<int, 50>                     299 ns        299 ns    2386895
BM_MatrixSum<int, 55>                     541 ns        540 ns    1249242
BM_MatrixSum<int, 60>                    1321 ns       1320 ns     471501
BM_MatrixSum<int, 65>                     956 ns        956 ns     646735
BM_MatrixSum<int, 70>                     947 ns        947 ns     668769
BM_MatrixSum<int, 75>                    1201 ns       1201 ns     556001
BM_MatrixSum<int, 80>                    1238 ns       1237 ns     528877
BM_MatrixSum<int, 85>                    1751 ns       1751 ns     404704
BM_MatrixSum<int, 90>                    1685 ns       1683 ns     431130
BM_MatrixSum<int, 95>                    1785 ns       1785 ns     366951
BM_MatrixSum<int, 100>                   1882 ns       1882 ns     360970
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double, 5>            3 ns          3 ns  248628989
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double, 10>          13 ns         13 ns   54507795
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double, 15>          27 ns         27 ns   24455259
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double, 20>          47 ns         47 ns   14704647
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double, 25>          79 ns         79 ns    8203542
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double, 30>         109 ns        109 ns    6031155
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double, 35>         434 ns        434 ns    1584625
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double, 40>         560 ns        559 ns    1197871
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double, 45>         486 ns        485 ns    1444195
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double, 50>         290 ns        290 ns    2329660
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double, 55>        1143 ns       1143 ns     555036
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double, 60>        1241 ns       1241 ns     523752
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double, 65>         843 ns        843 ns     805449
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double, 70>         970 ns        970 ns     676904
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double, 75>        1138 ns       1137 ns     601406
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double, 80>        1161 ns       1161 ns     541498
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double, 85>        1440 ns       1440 ns     476778
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double, 90>        1570 ns       1570 ns     417803
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double, 95>        1696 ns       1696 ns     392377
BM_HermitianMatrixSum<double, 100>       1941 ns       1941 ns     354538
BM_MatrixSum<double, 5>                     4 ns          4 ns  171998201
BM_MatrixSum<double, 10>                   15 ns         15 ns   44088934
BM_MatrixSum<double, 15>                   50 ns         50 ns   13798541
BM_MatrixSum<double, 20>                  275 ns        275 ns    2462690
BM_MatrixSum<double, 25>                  147 ns        147 ns    4651997
BM_MatrixSum<double, 30>                  612 ns        612 ns    1114898
BM_MatrixSum<double, 35>                  278 ns        278 ns    2513835
BM_MatrixSum<double, 40>                  535 ns        534 ns    1164415
BM_MatrixSum<double, 45>                  784 ns        784 ns     840891
BM_MatrixSum<double, 50>                 1764 ns       1764 ns     370412
BM_MatrixSum<double, 55>                 1158 ns       1158 ns     545460
BM_MatrixSum<double, 60>                 1575 ns       1574 ns     420085
BM_MatrixSum<double, 65>                 1670 ns       1670 ns     405266
BM_MatrixSum<double, 70>                 1891 ns       1891 ns     349376
BM_MatrixSum<double, 75>                 2137 ns       2137 ns     321496
BM_MatrixSum<double, 80>                 2467 ns       2467 ns     283429
BM_MatrixSum<double, 85>                 3777 ns       3773 ns     186393
BM_MatrixSum<double, 90>                 3179 ns       3178 ns     220694
BM_MatrixSum<double, 95>                 3445 ns       3445 ns     199336
BM_MatrixSum<double, 100>                4542 ns       4542 ns     153002

PNG image

Am 04.05.2018 um 20:28 schrieb David A. Tellenbach <david.tellenbach@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

Hi all,

I doubt that RFPF is superior to simple packed format for 4x4 matrices

at least in the case of simple operations I agree (even for bigger matrices). If we additionally consider Peter's argument that a packed format is easier to resize and Christoph's argument that someone could use packed storage and cannot change that, I think we shouldn't just drop the idea of implementing it completely.

Nevertheless the RFPF performance speaks for itself. Without deciding to never implement packed storage, the implementation of RFPF should have priority, I guess. 


Am 04.05.2018 um 17:38 schrieb Rasmus Munk Larsen <rmlarsen@xxxxxxxxxx>:

I agree with Marton. It doesn' seem worthwhile to complicate the code and increase the API surface for something that is know not to perform well on modern architectures. (It was a different story on Crays with (tiny) solid state memories :-) )

On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 11:18 AM, Márton Danóczy <marton78@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Christoph,

supporting the "Packed Format" is not worth it, even LAPACK have dropped support because of the FP routines' subpar performance (see the second comment in this thread: The RFP format is and will keep being supported by LAPACK (same Github thread).


On 3 May 2018 at 19:28, Christoph Hertzberg <chtz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

mostly repeating what I told David privately already:

I suggest implementing a compact _triangular_ matrix which can be used together with SelfAdjointView to represent selfadjoint matrices as well.

And then I'd like to point anyone interested in this discussion to this (very old) feature request:
This also mentions the RFPF suggested by Márton -- but we probably should support both and start with the one which is easier to implement.


On 2018-05-03 00:01, David A. Tellenbach wrote:
Hello together,

my name is David Tellenbach, I'm currently studying Computer Science at the LMU Munich, Germany and got chosen for the Google Summer of Code 2018 Project "Faster Matrix Algebra for ATLAS", supervised by Dmitry Emeliyanov and Stewart Martin-Haugh.

Google Summer of Code is a global program focused on bringing more student developers into open source software development. Students work with an open source organization on a three month programming project during their break from school.

As you might know, our project's task is to implement support for symmetric matrices for Eigen. A short project description is available via the following link: <>

The official coding period hasn't started yet and lasts for three month, from May, 14 until August, 14 2018. The time now is meant to get to know the community and people involved.

As far as I see, Eigen basically provides three types of matrices: Dense, sparse and diagonal matrices. Of these types, the class Eigen::DiagonalMatrix seems to be the one that could be most similar to a possible implementation of a class for symmetric matrices. There is no need for storing all elements (as in the case of dense matrices) neither is a sophisticated mechanism to find the position of scalars in the matrix needed (as in the case of sparse matrices). Therefore I’d like to create the for symmetric matrices by deriving from Eigen::EigenBase (as in the case of diagonal matrices).

Of course one goal is to store only the upper or lower triangular part of the matrix since this already defines it completely. Similar to Eigen::DiagonalMatrix the storage could look something like this:

     typedef typename internal::traits<Derived>::SymmetricVectorType SymmetricVectorType;

   // Store just one triangular part of the matrix
   typedef Matrix<_Scalar, (SizeAtCompileTime * SizeAtCompileTime + SizeAtCompileTime)/2,
     1, 0, (MaxSizeAtCompileTime * MaxSizeAtCompileTime + MaxSizeAtCompileTime)/2 ,1> SymmetricVectorType;

We plan to provide constructors which take either matrices of type Eigen::Matrix<…> or Eigen::SelfAdjointView<…>.

What do you think about these broad plans so far? We are happy about any feedback.


 Dr.-Ing. Christoph Hertzberg

 Besuchsadresse der Nebengeschäftsstelle:
 Robotics Innovation Center
 Robert-Hooke-Straße 5
 28359 Bremen, Germany

 Postadresse der Hauptgeschäftsstelle Standort Bremen:
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 Robert-Hooke-Straße 1
 28359 Bremen, Germany

 Tel.:     +49 421 178 45-4021
 Zentrale: +49 421 178 45-0
 E-Mail:   christoph.hertzberg@xxxxxxx

 Weitere Informationen:
 Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer Kuenstliche Intelligenz GmbH
 Firmensitz: Trippstadter Straße 122, D-67663 Kaiserslautern
 Geschaeftsfuehrung: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster
 (Vorsitzender) Dr. Walter Olthoff
 Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes
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