Re: [eigen] Signed or unsigned indexing

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> actually, std random access iterators do accept signed indices as well. size_t indices are used at the container level only.
> This actually makes sense to me, considering that interfaces should be minimal and that unsigneds has a simpler
> set of invalid values when representing non negative quantities ( signeds need to specify the behaviour of
> passing two bounds instead of one,  this increases the complexity of documentation, pre/postcondition checks and tests ).

For pre/postcondition check, this is not really an issue as

T& operator[](std::ptrdiff_t i) {
  assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(i) < static_cast<std::size_t>(size()));

  return data_[i];

does not do more work than the unsigned version. I agree that it looks strange, but as it is inside a library, I am not worried.

> premising that I’m definitely in the signed party,  I think most signed/size_t interoperability problems come from using
> containers when iterators/ranges/views should be used; in my experience ( for what it’s worth :) ) if containers decays to views. ASAP most unsigned to signed indices conversions disappear, leaving just few controlled casts/checks where appropriate.

Many people still need to work with indices. If you work with an array of structure

struct Point {
  double x;
  double y;
  double z;

you can work with iterators. But if you work with a structure of array

struct ArrayPoint {
  std::vector<double> x;
  std::vector<double> y;
  std::vector<double> z;

it is much more easier to work with indices. Also, there are structure for which it is impossible to get efficient iterators, for instance a matrix where there is padding at the end of the matrix. Such structures can’t be traversed with iterators as efficiently as indices. So indices are still needed today.

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