I have some code that compiles correctly with 3.2.9 but not with 3.3rc2.
I've managed to reproduce the problem with the following simple test:
typedef Eigen::MatrixXd DenseMat;
typedef Eigen::VectorXd Vector;
typedef Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> SparseMat;
void icTestSparseSimple()
typedef Eigen::SparseQR<SparseMat, Eigen::COLAMDOrdering< SparseMat::Index >> SparseQR;
const int n = 4;
DenseMat a(n, n);
a <<
1, 0, 0, 0,
-30, 60, -30, 0,
0, -30, 60, -30,
0, 0, -30, 30;
SparseMat as = a.sparseView();
SparseQR qr(as);
cout << "R\n" << qr.matrixR() << endl;
int rnk = qr.rank();
cout << "rank=" << rnk << endl;
auto R11 = qr.matrixR().topLeftCorner(rnk, rnk)..triangularView<Eigen::Upper>();
cout << "R11\n" << R11 << endl;
I get many error messages complaining about the line starting with "auto R11".
I'm wondering if this code is "bad" for some reason and I was simply lucky
in 3.2.9 or if this is a problem with 3.3.
Bill Greene