Re: [eigen] Using Triangular Views |
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How does one multiply a lower triangular matrix times a lower triangular matrix and avoid multiplying the zeros in the lower triangular matrix ?
An attempt at this (see below) does not seem to compile when MULTIPLY_VIEW is non-zero: To be specific, I get the error message:
error: no match for ‘operator*’ (operand types are ‘const Eigen::TriangularView<Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 2>, 1u>’ and ‘const Eigen::TriangularView<Eigen::T ranspose<Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 2> >, 2u>’)
matrix B = view_L * view_L.transpose();
when I try to compile the program:
# include <Eigen/Core>
# include <iostream>
// code does not compile if you select MULTIPLY_VIEW equal to 1
# define MULTIPLY_VIEW 0
int main()
{ typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 2> matrix;
using Eigen::Lower;
using Eigen::TriangularView;
matrix A;
A <<
1, 2,
3, 4;
const TriangularView<matrix, Lower> view_L = A.triangularView<Lower>();
matrix L = view_L;
matrix B = view_L * view_L.transpose();
# else
matrix B = view_L * L.transpose();
# endif
std::cout << "B =\n" << B << "\n";
return 0;
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