Re: [eigen] Overloading componentwise binary operators for vectors

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On Sat, 3 Oct 2015, Cedric Doucet wrote:

Here is a simple but complete example of what I want, which I hope to be free of syntaxic errors. I does not compile because I am not sure of what I am doing with CwiseBinaryOp.

You don't have any constructor for Vector from an Eigen type, so
classical_sum can't produce its result type. If you really want to write
the type Sum, you need to replace 'Vector' with 'const WrappedType'.

/home/cdoucet/logiciels/simol/src/core/linalg/Vector.hpp:20:37: note: simol::Vector<ScalarType, WrappedLibrary> simol::operator+(const simol::Vector<ScalarType, WrappedLibrary>&, const simol::Vector<ScalarType, WrappedLibrary>&) [with ScalarType = double; WrappedLibrary = simol::eigen]
Vector<ScalarType,WrappedLibrary> operator+(Vector<ScalarType,WrappedLibrary> const & leftVector,
/home/cdoucet/logiciels/simol/src/core/linalg/Vector.hpp:63:54: note: typename WrappedLibrary<ScalarType>::OperationType simol::operator+(const simol::Vector<ScalarType, WrappedLibrary>&, const simol::Vector<ScalarType, WrappedLibrary>&) [with ScalarType = double; WrappedLibrary = simol::eigen; typename WrappedLibrary<ScalarType>::OperationType = Eigen::CwiseBinaryOp<Eigen::internal::scalar_sum_op<double>, const Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, 1>, const Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, 1> >]
typename WrappedLibrary<ScalarType>::OperationType operator+(Vector<ScalarType,WrappedLibrary> const & leftVector,

That doesn't match with the example you sent. In this case you spelled
the signature of the operator differently enough in the forward
declaration and in the definition that the compiler considered them 2
different functions.

This should work if your Vector class has a template constructor from an Eigen::DenseBase<Derived>. Of course, this way you will loose the benefits of Eigen's expression templates.

Sure. But I don't want this.
My goal is to design a wrapper with minimal overhead.
Anyways, instead of writing a wrapper, maybe extending MatrixBase<> to add compatibility methods or inherit Matrix<> could work for you? See:

I know this very useful functionality of Eigen.
However, in this particular case, the main code is expected to be "weakly" dependent of third-party libraries: such libraries may be replaced by another ones if needed.
Extension would create a strong dependency between the code and Eigen.

It seems hard to both isolate yourself from Eigen and benefit from the
expression template mechanism. If operator+ returns a Vector, you lose
expression template benefits. If operator+ returns Eigen::CwiseBinaryOp,
you lose the isolation. You would have to reinvent your own expression
template mechanism and internally map it to Eigen's, it isn't worth it.

Would using Eigen's types directly be such an issue? Say
typedef Eigen::Matrix<double,Eigen::Dynamic,1> Vector;
and you only have 1 line to change to use a different library. Ok I am exagerating, and you may want to wrap more advanced operations than addition (LU factorization?) in some traits class while still using the real types. You may want a second typedef for Matrix_base (which in some library would be the same type as Vector), but that doesn't break the generality.

Marc Glisse

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