Re: [eigen] Help needed to run a benchmark on many machines

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Hi Benoit,

I am running the test right now. I needed to add a few changes (see
attached main.cpp). Classical windows specific stuff.

I also needed to change std::min<SizeType> to std::min<Index> in the
default branch.

I will let you know once the test finishes.


On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 5:58 PM, Benoit Jacob <jacob.benoit.1@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi List,
> I'm looking into tuning Eigen's matrix product blocking parameters on
> various machines. That involves actually measuring the impact of different
> parameter values on performance. The tracking bug for this effort is
> I'm attaching a benchmark to this email. It tests all sorts of matrix
> product sizes with all sorts of blocking parameters, and outputs both a
> complete log and a table that might be what we need to directly provide
> Eigen with.
> It would be very helpful if some people could help me run it on different
> machines. It runs at least on:
>  - GNU Linux
>  - Android
>  - Mac
> If you run it, please record its output into a text file and send it back to
> me together with some description of your device (e.g. "nexus 6"). The
> benchmark already records some hardware info such as /proc/cpuinfo on linux.
> Please also tell me your Eigen changeset, compiler and command line.
> Compilation instructions:
>  - most important: please use today's devel branch of Eigen - must have the
> patch from .
>  - c++11 mode
>  - on intel, please compile with -mavx if available
>  - on ARM, please compile with -mfpu=neon-vfpv4 if available, otherwise
> -mfpu=neon for older devices. DO NOT pass a -march flag as that triggers
> compiler bugs spilling registers.
>  - on ARM, bonus points if you can also apply the patch from
> - not necessary but
> better.
> Example desktop command line:
> c++ -mavx -DNDEBUG -O3 --std=c++0x benchmark-blocking-sizes.cpp -o b -I
> ../eigen && ./b | tee log-blocking-sizes-mac
> Example Android command line:
> $CXX $SRC -o $EXE -save-temps \
>  -O3 -DNDEBUG \
>  --std=c++0x -Wall -Wextra -pedantic \
>  -fPIE -pie -mfpu=neon-vfpv4 -mfloat-abi=softfp \
>  -I $HOME/eigen
> Thanks!
> Benoit
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>

#ifndef __linux__
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <sys/time.h>

#if defined(_WIN32)
#include <windows.h>
LARGE_INTEGER frequency;

int testk, testm, testn;
#include <Eigen/Core>

using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;

const int measurement_passes = 4;
const float min_accurate_time = 1e-2f;
const float conservativeness = 1.02f;

const size_t maxsize = 1024;
const size_t minsize = 16;

typedef MatrixXf MatrixType;

static_assert( ( maxsize & ( maxsize - 1 ) ) == 0, "maxsize must be a power of two" );
static_assert( ( minsize & ( minsize - 1 ) ) == 0, "minsize must be a power of two" );
static_assert( maxsize > minsize, "maxsize must be larger than minsize" );
static_assert( maxsize < ( minsize << 16 ), "maxsize must be less than (minsize<<16)" );

double time()
#ifdef __linux__
  timespec t;
  clock_gettime( CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID, &t );
  return t.tv_sec + 1e-9 * t.tv_nsec;
#elif _WIN32
  ::QueryPerformanceCounter( &now );
  return now.QuadPart / static_cast<double>( frequency.QuadPart );
  timeval t;
  gettimeofday( &t, nullptr );
  return t.tv_sec + 1e-6 * t.tv_usec;

struct humansize
  size_t value;
  humansize( size_t v ) : value( v ) {}

ostream& operator<<( ostream& s, const humansize& h )
  if ( h.value >> 20 )
    return s << ( h.value / float( 1 << 20 ) ) << "M";
  else if ( h.value >> 10 )
    return s << ( h.value / float( 1 << 10 ) ) << "k";
    return s << h.value;

struct size_triple_t
  size_t k, m, n;
  size_triple_t() : k( 0 ), m( 0 ), n( 0 ) {}
  size_triple_t( size_t _k, size_t _m, size_t _n ) : k( _k ), m( _m ), n( _n ) {}
  size_triple_t( const size_triple_t& o ) : k( o.k ), m( o.m ), n( o.n ) {}

ostream& operator<<( ostream& s, const size_triple_t& t )
  return s << "(k=" << humansize( t.k ) << ", m=" << humansize( t.m ) << ", n=" << humansize( t.n ) << ")";

struct result_t
  size_triple_t productsizes;
  size_triple_t blocksizes;
  float time;

  result_t() : time( 0 ) {}
  result_t( const size_triple_t& p,
            const size_triple_t& b,
            float t )
    : productsizes( p )
    , blocksizes( b )
    , time( t )
  result_t( const result_t& o )
    : productsizes( o.productsizes )
    , blocksizes( o.blocksizes )
    , time( o.time )

  size_t pressure() const
    return blocksizes.k * ( blocksizes.m + blocksizes.n );

ostream& operator<<( ostream& s, const result_t& r )
  const size_triple_t& p = r.productsizes;
  const size_triple_t& b = r.blocksizes;
  s << "product: " << p
    << ", block: " << b;
  s << ", GFlop/s: " << 2e-9 * p.k * p.m * p.n / r.time;
  return s;

void benchmark( result_t& result,
                const size_triple_t& productsizes,
                const size_triple_t& blocksizes )
  testk = blocksizes.k;
  testm = blocksizes.m;
  testn = blocksizes.n;

  static MatrixType a, b, c;

  int iters_at_a_time = 1;

  float timing = 0.0f;

  while ( true )
    a = MatrixType::Ones( productsizes.m, productsizes.k );
    b = MatrixType::Ones( productsizes.k, productsizes.n );
    c = MatrixType::Ones( productsizes.m, productsizes.n );

    double starttime = time();
    for ( int i = 0; i < iters_at_a_time; i++ )
      c = a * b;
    double endtime = time();

    timing = float( endtime - starttime );

    if ( timing >= min_accurate_time )

    iters_at_a_time *= 2;
  timing /= iters_at_a_time;

  result = result_t( productsizes,
                     timing );

bool operator<( const result_t& r1, const result_t& r2 )
  return r1.time < r2.time;

uint8_t log2_pot( size_t x )
  size_t l = 0;
  while ( x >>= 1 ) { l++; }
  return l;

void print_results( const char* name, const vector<result_t>& results )
  cout << "Encoding for " << name << ":" << endl;
  cout << "minsize = " << minsize << endl;
  cout << "maxsize = " << maxsize << endl;
  size_t sizes = log2_pot( maxsize ) - log2_pot( minsize ) + 1;
  cout << "number of sizes = " << sizes << endl;
  size_t entries = sizes * sizes * sizes;
  cout << "number of entries = (number of sizes)^3 = " << entries << endl;
  if ( entries != results.size() )
    cout << "fatal: wrong number of entries." << endl;
    exit( 1 );

  size_t i = 0;
  cout << endl;
  cout << "// Each row corresponds to a value of the (k, m) pair." << endl;
  cout << "// Each columns corresponds to a value of n." << endl;
  cout << "// k, m, n take the power-of-two values from " << minsize << " to " << maxsize << "." << endl;
  cout << "// Each cell in the table gives the corresponding optimal triple" << endl;
  cout << "// (kblock, mblock, nblock) encoded as a 12-bit hex value of the form 0xabc" << endl;
  cout << "// where a, b, c are the log2 of kblock, mblock, nblock respectively." << endl;
  cout << "uint16_t data[" << entries << "] = {" << endl;
  for ( size_t ksize = minsize; ksize <= maxsize; ksize *= 2 )
    for ( size_t msize = minsize; msize <= maxsize; msize *= 2 )
      cout << "  ";
      for ( size_t nsize = minsize; nsize <= maxsize; nsize *= 2 )
        const result_t& r = results[i++];
        if ( r.productsizes.k != ksize || r.productsizes.m != msize || r.productsizes.n != nsize )
          cout << endl << "fatal: entries not in expected order" << endl;
          exit( 1 );
        uint16_t lk = log2_pot( r.blocksizes.k );
        uint16_t lm = log2_pot( r.blocksizes.m );
        uint16_t ln = log2_pot( r.blocksizes.n );
        if ( ( lk | lm | ln ) > 0xf )
          cout << "fatal: logs should fit in 4 bits each" << endl;
          exit( 1 );
        uint16_t val = ( lk << 8 ) | ( lm << 4 ) | ln;
        cout << hex << "0x" << val << dec << ", ";
      cout << "// k=" << ksize << ", m=" << msize << endl;
  cout << "};" << endl << endl;

void print_cpuinfo()
#ifdef __linux__
  cout << "contents of /proc/cpuinfo:" << endl;
  string line;
  ifstream cpuinfo( "/proc/cpuinfo" );
  if ( cpuinfo.is_open() )
    while ( getline( cpuinfo, line ) )
      cout << line << endl;
  cout << endl;
#elif defined __APPLE__
  cout << "output of sysctl hw:" << endl;
  system( "sysctl hw" );
  cout << endl;

template <typename T>
string type_name()
  return "unknown";

string type_name<float>()
  return "float";

string type_name<double>()
  return "double";

int main()
#if defined(_WIN32)
  ::QueryPerformanceFrequency( &frequency );


  cout << "benchmark parameters:" << endl;
  cout << "pointer size: " << 8 * sizeof( void* ) << " bits" << endl;
  cout << "scalar type: " << type_name<MatrixType::Scalar>() << endl;
  cout << "packet size: " << internal::packet_traits<MatrixType::Scalar>::size << endl;
  cout << "minsize = " << minsize << endl;
  cout << "maxsize = " << minsize << endl;
  cout << "measurement_passes = " << measurement_passes << endl;
  cout << "min_accurate_time = " << min_accurate_time << endl;
  cout << "conservativeness = " << conservativeness << endl;
  cout << endl;

  cout.precision( 3 );

  vector<result_t> fastest_results;
  vector<result_t> conservative_results;

  for ( size_t ksize = minsize; ksize <= maxsize; ksize *= 2 )
    for ( size_t msize = minsize; msize <= maxsize; msize *= 2 )
      for ( size_t nsize = minsize; nsize <= maxsize; nsize *= 2 )
        size_triple_t p( ksize, msize, nsize );
        vector<result_t> results_passes[measurement_passes];
        cout << "***************************************************" << endl;
        cout << "Optimizing product size (" << ksize << "," << msize << "," << nsize << ")" << endl << endl;
        for ( int pass = 0; pass < measurement_passes; pass++ )
          cout << "Pass " << ( pass + 1 ) << "/" << measurement_passes << endl;

          for ( size_t kblock = minsize; kblock <= ksize; kblock *= 2 )
            for ( size_t mblock = minsize; mblock <= msize; mblock *= 2 )
              for ( size_t nblock = minsize; nblock <= nsize; nblock *= 2 )
                size_triple_t b( kblock, mblock, nblock );
                result_t r;
                benchmark( r, p, b );
                results_passes[pass].push_back( r );
                cout << r << endl;
        vector<result_t> results;
        for ( size_t i = 0; i < results_passes[0].size(); i++ )
          result_t best_result = results_passes[0][i];
          for ( int pass = 0; pass < measurement_passes; pass++ )
            if ( results_passes[pass][i].time < best_result.time )
              best_result = results_passes[pass][i];
          results.push_back( best_result );
        cout << endl << "best results for size " << p << ":" << endl;
        std::sort( results.begin(), results.end() );
        fastest_results.push_back( results[0] );
        size_t best_pressure = results[0].pressure();
        size_t best_pressure_index = 0;
        for ( size_t i = 0; i < results.size(); ++i )
          if ( results[i].time > conservativeness * results[0].time )
          cout << results[i] << endl;
          size_t pressure = results[i].pressure();
          if ( pressure < best_pressure )
            best_pressure = pressure;
            best_pressure_index = i;
        conservative_results.push_back( results[best_pressure_index] );
        cout << endl;
        cout << "fastest choice:" << endl << fastest_results.back() << endl;
        cout << "conservative choice:" << endl << conservative_results.back() << endl;
        cout << endl;

  print_results( "strictly fastest results (not recommended)", fastest_results );
  print_results( "conservative results (recommended)", conservative_results );

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