I have noticed strange behavior when HousholderQR (default branch) is used with mpfr::mpreal.
Accuracy is lost when QR is applied to rectangular matrix, m < n.
//typedef double RealScalar;
typedef mpfr::mpreal RealScalar;
typedef Eigen::Matrix< RealScalar, Dynamic, Dynamic> RealMatrix;
int m = 2, n = 4;
RealMatrix a(m,n);
RealMatrix r, q;
HouseholderQR<RealMatrix> qr(a);
r = qr.matrixQR().triangularView<Upper>();
q = qr.householderQ();
RealScalar e = (a-q*r).norm();
std::cout <<"A-Q*R = "<< e << std::endl; // should be of machine epsilon scale
Output for "double" (correct):
A-Q*R = 2.88444e-016
Output for "mpreal" (accuracy is lost):
A-Q*R = 1.40222
This affects "default" branch. Branch 3.2 (with all recent updates) produces correct result.
Similar situation happens with dense LU.
Decided to report issue in the mail-list since it is appeared very recently and probably can be fixed quickly while it is "hot".
Would appreciate any ideas/advice what (recent) changes might cause the issue.
Thanks in advance,