Re: [eigen] Divide & conquer SVD algorithm |
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Thank you for the quick and developped answers. We discussed our
options and decided to start with functionality C and continue with
B. Le 27/05/2014 11:51, Gael Guennebaud a
écrit :
We're abandoning the idea of another SVD algorithm then, and instead we'll be focusing on your suggestions. We may try and implement this functionality if we have spare time at the end of our project. This will become the main part of our project. We want to use a block Lanczos algorithm (we have barely researched the subject at this point but it seems to be a good solution to tackle the sparse matrices problem). We intend to do this first, as a way to get used to the library. We want to use the power iteration method to find the eigenpair with the largest eigenvalue. Thank you for your help, Imène, Bediss and Tristan. |
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