Re: [eigen] Eigen 3.2.1 is released!

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thanks a lot for handling the release !


On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 6:03 PM, Jitse Niesen <jitseniesen@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> cout << "Eigen " << RowVector3i::LinSpaced(3,1) << " is released!";
> This is a maintenance release with many bug fixes since the release of 3.2.0
> half a year ago. The support for Eigen2 is now marked as deprecated and will
> be removed in the forthcoming 3.3 release. There are also some limited
> performance improvements and added functionality in the 3.2.1 release.
> The source archive is at
> The full changelog follows:
> * Eigen2 support is now deprecated and will be removed in version 3.3.
> * Core:
>   * Bug fix for Ref object containing a temporary matrix.
>   * Bug 654: Allow construction of row vector from 1D array.
>   * Bug 679: Support cwiseMin() and cwiseMap() on maps.
>   * Support conservativeResize() on vectors.
>   * Improve performance of vectorwise and replicate expressions.
>   * Bug 642: Add vectorization of sqrt for doubles, and make sqrt
>              really safe if EIGEN_FAST_MATH is disabled.
>   * Bug 616: Try harder to align columns when printing matrices and arrays.
>   * Bug 579: Add optional run-time parameter to fixed-size block methods.
>   * Implement .all() and .any() for zero-sized objects
>   * Bug 708: Add placement new and delete for arrays.
>   * Bug 503: Better C++11 support.
> * Dense linear algebra:
>   * Bug 689: Speed up some matrix-vector products by using aligned loads
>              if possible.
>   * Make solve in FullPivHouseholderQR return least-square solution if
>     there is no exact solution.
>   * Bug 678: Fix fullPivHouseholderQR for rectangular matrices.
>   * Fix a 0/0 issue in JacobiSVD.
>   * Bug 736: Wrong result in LDLT::isPositiveDefinite() for
>              semi-definite matrices.
>   * Bug 740: Fix overflow issue in stableNorm().
>   * Make pivoting HouseholderQR compatible with custom scalar types.
> * Geometry:
>   * Fix compilation of Transform * UniformScaling
> * Sparse matrices:
>   * Fix elimination tree and SparseQR for fat rectangular matrices.
>   * Bug 635: add isCompressed to MappedSparseMatrix for compatibility.
>   * Bug 664: Support iterators without operator< in setFromTriplets().
>   * Fixes in SparseLU: infinite loop, aliasing issue when solving, overflow
>     in memory allocation, use exceptions only if enabled (bug 672).
>   * Fixes in SparseQR: reduce explicit zero, assigning result to map,
>     assert catching non-conforming sizes, memory leak.
>   * Bug 681: Uninitialized value in CholmodSupport which may lead to
>              incorrect results.
>   * Fix some issues when using a non-standard index type (bug 665 and more)
>   * Update constrained CG (unsupported module) to Eigen3.
> * OS and build system:
>   * MacOS put OpenGL header files somewhere else from where we expected it.
>   * Do not assume that alloca() is 16-byte aligned on Windows.
>   * Compilation fixes when using ICC with Visual Studio.
>   * Fix Fortran compiler detection in CMake files.
> * Fix some of our tests (bugs 744 and 748 and more).
> * Fix a few compiler warnings (bug 317 and more).
> * Documentation fixes (bugs 609, 638 and 739 and more).

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