Hi there,
I use Eigen since now 5 years in my projects and I would like to thanks to you for this great works. It saved me (and still continue) lots of time when I needed to do matrix computation to transform data in 3D space.
I updated recently my main Project from Eigen2 to Eigen3 without any problem. Maybe it is the time to present it here.
BTK - An open-source Biomechanical ToolKit library, is a BSD library implemented in C++ with bindings for Matlab/Octave and Python. A GUI software called
Mokka is also proposed to visualize/analyze 3D/2D motion capture data. The primary goal of this project is to propose a set of tools for the analysis of the human body motion which is independent of any acquisition system.
- Finally, It is not yet proposed on the web, but I also implemented a downhill simplex algorithm (also named Nelder-Mead and Amoeba) which is close to the syntax of the Matlab function 'fminsearch'.
If you think these pieces of code are good enough for the Eigen project, I will be very happy to submit some patches. If necessary, I will relicense the code to the MPL2 license as I don't see any conflict between the BSD license and the MPL2 license (but I'm not a lawyer so if someone disagrees let me know).