[eigen] RFC: BasicSVD class

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Attached is a draft of a faster SVD class.

The BasicSVD is much faster and sufficiently accurate for many (most?) purposes.

excerpt from header:
 * Singular Value Decomposition by eigenanalysis of the Gramian
* option 1: (default) Solves A=U*S*V' by finding the eigenvectors,values of A'A (or AA' if matrix is wide)
 *           This is done using the SelfAdjointEigenSolver
* option 2: "fastMode" uses power iteration to quickly strip off the dominant eigenvectors one at a time. * This may be useful when only a few of the singular dimensions are desired (e.g. k<5)
* Currently limited to "Thin" or "Economy Sized" singular vectors. When decomposing a rectangular matrix, * either the U or V matrix will be an incomplete basis (tall). Any completion of this basis is valid and
 * is left as an exercise to the reader.
* The "fast" mode uses power iteration (plus feedback)
*    This can be several times faster than the default mode, but
*   with caveats:
* *) convergence is slow and accuracy suffers in the case of nearly identical strongest singular values * *) speed is linear with K, so if K> 5ish, fastMode may actually be slower.

Output from testBasicSVD.cc (attached)
compiled with: g++ -Wall -O -g -msse4.2 -I /path/to/inc/ testBasicSVD.cc
explanation of fields:
values: K strongest singular values (in this case K=2) ( all lesser dimensions have singular values around 1) vectorwise errors: singular vector errors left|right for each of the K strongest dimensions subspace error: residual error of the true rank-K subspace projected onto the found subspace

begin output :
############## Type: float Problem Size: 300x200
================ JacobiSVD ================
elapsed time 0.358115s
values = 3.00011 2.00006
vectorwise errors (dB):-87.5|-92.3 -87.8|-92.2
subspace error -114 dB
================ BasicSVD ================
elapsed time 0.0242s
values = 3 2
vectorwise errors (dB):-133|-125 -112|-106
subspace error -109 dB
================ BasicSVD (fast mode) ================
elapsed time 0.0046s
values = 3 2
vectorwise errors (dB):-89.8|-86.3 -78.5|-81.8
subspace error -97.3 dB
############## Type: complex<double> Problem Size: 300x200
================ JacobiSVD ================
elapsed time 5.91s
values = 3 2
vectorwise errors (dB):-259|-265 -266|-268
subspace error -284 dB
================ BasicSVD ================
elapsed time 0.216s
values = 3 2
vectorwise errors (dB):-241|-237 -231|-231
subspace error -235 dB
================ BasicSVD (fast mode) ================
elapsed time 0.0411s
values = 3 2
vectorwise errors (dB):-305|-306 -178|-175
subspace error -178 dB

-- Mark Borgerding
#ifndef BASIC_SVD_H
#define BASIC_SVD_H

#include <Eigen/Dense>

 * Singular Value Decomposition by eigenanalysis of the Gramian 
 * option 1: (default) Solves A=U*S*V' by finding the eigenvectors,values of A'A (or AA' if matrix is wide) 
 *           This is done using the SelfAdjointEigenSolver
 * option 2: "fastMode" uses power iteration to quickly strip off the dominant eigenvectors one at a time.
 *              This may be useful when only a few of the singular dimensions are desired (e.g. k<5)
 * Currently limited to "Thin" or "Economy Sized" singular vectors. When decomposing a rectangular matrix,
 * either the U or V matrix will be an incomplete basis (tall).  Any completion of this basis is valid and 
 * is left as an exercise to the reader.
 * Mark Borgerding 2012
template <typename _MatrixType> 
class BasicSVD
    typedef typename _MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
    typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, -1, -1> MatrixType;

    typedef typename Eigen::NumTraits<typename MatrixType::Scalar>::Real RealScalar;
    typedef typename Eigen::internal::plain_diag_type<MatrixType, RealScalar>::type SingularValuesType;
    typedef typename Eigen::internal::plain_col_type<MatrixType>::type ColType;

    BasicSVD():fast_(false) {}
    BasicSVD(const _MatrixType & A,int K=-1)

    /** The "fast" mode uses power iteration (plus feedback) 
     This can be several times faster than the default mode, but 
     with caveats:
      *) convergence is slow and accuracy suffers in the case of nearly identical strongest singular values
      *) speed is linear with K, so if K> 5ish, it may actually be slower.
    Use at your own risk.                **/
    void fastMode(bool yn) {fast_=yn;}  /// allow fastMode
    bool fastMode() const {return fast_;} 

    const SingularValuesType & singularValues() const {return s_;} /// returns the diagonal positive real values along the S matrix
    const MatrixType & matrixU() const {return u_;} /// returns the first K columns of the left singular vector orthonormal basis
    const MatrixType & matrixV() const {return v_;}  /// returns the first K columns of the right singular vector orthonormal basis

    BasicSVD& compute(_MatrixType A,int K=-1)  /// compute the K strongest dimensions of A = U*S*V'
        int maxRank = std::min(A.rows(),A.cols());
        if (K < 1 || K>maxRank)
            K = maxRank;

        // the rest of the algorithm assumes a tall matrix (rows>cols) 
        // when this is not the case, find the SVD for A.adjoint() then 
        // exchange u_ and v_ at the end (singular values stay the same)
        bool swapped = false;
        if (A.rows() < A.cols() ) {
            MatrixType tmp = A;
            A = tmp.adjoint();
            swapped = true;

        // create the self-adjoint matrix A'*A
        MatrixType X(A.cols(),A.cols());
        X.template selfadjointView<Eigen::Lower>().rankUpdate(A.adjoint() );
        X.template triangularView<Eigen::StrictlyUpper>() = X.adjoint();

        if (fast_)

        // compute the left singular vectors from the right singular vectors
        u_ = A*v_; 
        for (int k=0;k<K;++k)

        if (swapped) {
            MatrixType tmp = v_;
            v_ = u_;
            u_ = tmp;
        return *this;


    void useEigenSolver( MatrixType & X ,int K)
        Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<MatrixType> es(X);
        v_ = es.eigenvectors().rightCols(K);
        s_ = es.eigenvalues().tail(K);

        // SelfAdjointEigenSolver returns the eigenvalues in increasing order,
        // reverse them to SVD order
        s_ = s_.array().sqrt();

        for (int i=0;i<K/2;++i) {
            ColType tmp = v_.col(i);
            v_.col(i) = v_.col(K-1-i);
            v_.col(K-1-i) = tmp;

    void usePowerIteration( MatrixType & X ,int K)
        MatrixType PX( X.rows(),X.cols() );
        for (int k=0;k<K;++k) {
            findStrongestEigenValue(X,k); // updates v_.col(k),s_(k)
            // subtract the orthogonal projection to the strongest eignevalue
            PX = v_.col(k) * ( v_.col(k).adjoint() * X);
            X -= PX;

    void findStrongestEigenValue( const MatrixType & X , int k)
        int n=X.cols();
        ColType v = ColType::Random(n );
        ColType vprev=v, vdif;
        RealScalar eps = std::numeric_limits<RealScalar>::epsilon();

        RealScalar mu=-999,muprev=1;
        RealScalar damp=2;
        v = v/v.norm();
        int it;
        for (it=0;it < 1e3;++it) {
            muprev = mu;
            v = X.template selfadjointView<Eigen::Lower>() *vprev;
            v = X * vprev;
            mu = v.norm();
            v *= 1/mu;
            vdif = v - vprev;
            vprev = v;
            RealScalar vdifnorm = vdif.norm();
            if ( vdifnorm < .1) {
                //if ( vdifnorm <= eps*n) break;
                if (mu >= muprev) {
                    if ( mu/muprev-1 < eps )
                    // Rayleigh quotient is still increasing
                    // overshoot the change to speed convergence 
                    v += vdif*damp;
                    damp *= 1.5;// get a little more aggressive since we are converging
                    damp = std::min<RealScalar>( 1000,damp); // if we don't cap this, we can get NaNs under some conditions
                    damp *= .5; // back off the feedback
        v_.col(k) = v;
        s_(k) = sqrt(mu);

    bool fast_;
    MatrixType u_;
    SingularValuesType s_;
    MatrixType v_;

#include "BasicSVD.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;

static inline
double curtime(void)
    struct timeval tv;
    gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
    return (double)tv.tv_sec + (double)tv.tv_usec*.000001;

template <typename Derived>
Matrix<typename MatrixBase<Derived>::Scalar,Dynamic,Dynamic,0,Dynamic,Dynamic>
    GramSchmidt(const MatrixBase<Derived>& A)
    typedef typename Derived::PlainObject MatrixType;
    typedef typename MatrixBase<Derived>::Scalar Scalar;
    typedef typename NumTraits<typename MatrixBase<Derived>::Scalar>::Real RealScalar;
    typedef Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,1> VectorType;

    int maxRank = std::min(A.rows(),A.cols());
    MatrixType U(A.rows(),maxRank);
    int outrank=0;
    RealScalar tol = std::numeric_limits<RealScalar>::epsilon();
    for (int k=0;k<A.cols();++k) {
        VectorType a =  A.col(k);
        RealScalar nb = a.norm(); // "before" norm
        for (int k2=0;k2<outrank;k2++) 
            a -= U.col(k2) * ( U.col(k2).dot(a) ); // subtract orthogonal projections onto previous basis vectors
        RealScalar na = a.norm(); // "after" norm

        if ( na > 0 && na/nb > tol) {
            a *= (1/na);
            U.col(outrank) = a;
            if (outrank==maxRank)
    if (outrank<U.cols()) 
    return U;

template <typename T1,typename T2>
float dB_nmse(const T1 & vec1,const T2 & vec2)
   return 20*log10( std::max<double>( (vec1-vec2.dot(vec1)*vec2 ).norm() / vec1.norm() , 1e-20) );

template <typename T>
void testType(const char * name, int m,int n,int k,double spread)
    typedef Matrix<T, Dynamic, Dynamic> MatrixType;
    typedef Matrix<typename MatrixType::RealScalar, Dynamic, 1 > ValuesType;
    typedef DiagonalMatrix<typename MatrixType::RealScalar, Dynamic, Dynamic> DiagonalMatrixType ;
    double t0,t1;

    MatrixType Uin,Vin,X;
    int rank=std::min(m,n);
        MatrixType U = GramSchmidt( MatrixType::Random(m,k) );
        MatrixType V = GramSchmidt( MatrixType::Random(n,k) );

        ValuesType singvals(k);
        if (k==1) {
            singvals(0) = 2;
            singvals = ValuesType::LinSpaced(k,2+spread,2);
        MatrixType X1 = U*DiagonalMatrixType( singvals )*V.adjoint(); // the truly low rank part of the matrix

        MatrixType R = MatrixType::Random(m,n)/sqrt(m);// randomness to fill in the other dimensions
        for (int i=0;i<5;++i) {
            R -= U*(U.adjoint()*R); // subtract orthogonal projection onto the column space of X1
            R -= (R*V)*V.adjoint(); // subtract orthogonal projection onto the row space of X1
        X = X1 + R; // we can now add R to the low rank matrix X1 without affecting its dimensions.
      BasicSVD<MatrixType> bsvd;
        ValuesType singvals2 = bsvd.singularValues();
        cerr << "first few singular values:" << singvals2.transpose() << endl; */
        Uin = U.leftCols(k);
        Vin = V.leftCols(k);

    cerr << "############## Type: " << name << " Problem Size: " << m<< "x" << n << endl;// " (gen took " << (t1-t0) << " seconds)\n";

    bool skipJacobiSVD  = false;
    if ( rank>400 ) {
        cerr << "skipping JacobiSVD for time reasons\n";

    for (int approach=skipJacobiSVD;approach<3;++approach) {
        cerr << "================ ";
        t0 = curtime();
        MatrixType U,V;
        ValuesType S;
        if (approach==0) {
            cerr << "JacobiSVD "; // slow, but accurate
            JacobiSVD<MatrixType> jsvd(X,ComputeThinU|ComputeThinV);
            U = jsvd.matrixU().leftCols(k);
            V = jsvd.matrixV().leftCols(k);
            S = jsvd.singularValues().head(k);
        } else {
            cerr << "BasicSVD "; // uses SelfAdjointEigenSolver or power iteration
            BasicSVD<MatrixType> svds; 
            if (approach==2)  {
                cerr << "(fast mode) ";
            U = svds.matrixU();
            V = svds.matrixV();
            S = svds.singularValues();
        t1 = curtime();
        cerr << "================\nelapsed time " << (t1-t0)<< "s\n";

        cerr << "values = " << S.transpose() << endl;

        cerr << "vectorwise errors (dB):" << setprecision(3);
        for (int i=0;i<k;++i) {
            cerr << dB_nmse(Uin.col(i),U.col(i) ) << "|";
            cerr << dB_nmse(Vin.col(i),V.col(i) ) << " ";
        cerr << endl;

        MatrixType PV = Vin*(Vin.adjoint()*V);
        double err = (V-PV).norm()/sqrt((double)k);
        cerr << "subspace error "
            << (20*log10(std::max<double>( 1e-20, err) ) )
            << " dB\n";
        if (err > 1e-3) {
            // gross check
            cerr << "unacceptable subspace error!!!!!\n";

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
    // compute the rank k SVD of a mxn matrix
    int m = argc>1? atoi(argv[1]) : 300;
    int n = argc>2? atoi(argv[2]) : 200;
    int K = argc>3? atoi(argv[3]) : 2;
    double spread = max<double>(0,argc>4? atof(argv[4]) : 1.0); // set to higher number to make the principal K values closer

    testType<float >("float",m,n,K,spread);
    //testType<std::complex<float> >("complex<float>",m,n,K,spread);
    //testType<double >("double",m,n,K,spread);
    testType<std::complex<double> >("complex<double>",m,n,K,spread);
    //testType<long double >("long double",m,n,K,spread);
    //testType<std::complex<long double> >("complex<long double>",m,n,K,spread);

    return 0;

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