double SumCapacityOfUserSet(VectorXi comb, MatrixXcd H, float SNR, int n_t, int n_r){
double P, P_final, cwf, R_F = 0;
int set_card = comb.size(), count;
MatrixXcd H_final(n_r,n_t);
P = pow((double) 10, (double) SNR/10);
for (int k = 0 ; k < set_card ; k++){
H_final = H.block(0,n_t*(comb(k)-1),n_r, n_t);
if (set_card != 1){
MatrixXcd H_tilda(n_r*(set_card-1), n_t);
count = 1;
for (int l = 0 ; l < set_card ; l++){
if (comb(l) == comb(k)){
H_tilda.block((count-1)*n_r, 0, n_r, n_t) = H.block(0, n_t*(comb(l)-1),n_r, n_t);
JacobiSVD<MatrixXcd> svd(H_tilda, ComputeFullV);
int rank = svd.singularValues().size();
MatrixXcd T = svd.matrixV().rightCols(n_t - rank);
H_final = H.block(0,n_t*(comb(k)-1),n_r, n_t) * T;
P_final = P / set_card;
cwf = Sum_Capacity(H_final, P_final);
R_F += cwf;
Any help?
On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 3:28 AM, Carlos Becker
<carlosbecker@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
My first guess is that you are trying to allocate more memory than what you can get, so when allocating you get such a signal.
Can you post the part of the code where you get that error? You may also get a quicker answer if you try to debug your program (e.g. gdb for g++)
On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 11:56 PM, Gaurav Gupta
<gaurav71531@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am getting this error on running my code : terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
what(): std::bad_alloc
What is the reason?