Re: [eigen] Thin JacobiSVD

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I'm not really knowledgable enough in the algorithms to have an opinion on *how* to do it, but I would like to register a show of support for having a faster SVD (maybe not Jacobi?). Thinning would be one dimension in that optimization space. I've got some code for doing SVDs using Eigen that is beautiful, elegant, maintainable ... and commented out. Unfortunately, the Eigen code is several times slower than the ugly hackish LAPACK calls [SCDZ]GESDD. I can provide demo code upon request.

On an orthogonal topic: I am not taking classes this summer, so I should have some time to clean up the FFT module and move it out of unsupported.

-- Mark

On 06/08/2012 09:00 AM, Gael Guennebaud wrote:

currently JacobiSVD cannot compute a thin factorization with a fixed
number of columns. This is because the 'thin' status is provided at
runtime while fixed dimensions have to be known at compile-time.
However, a typical use case for JacobiSVD is to solve for a
Matrix<scalar, Dynamic or large_value, small_value>  matrix with a
small fixed number of columns but many rows.

I see three options:

One option would be to relax the JacobiSVD's matrix types for the U
factor to always use a dynamic number of columns, but keep
MaxRowsAtCompileTime for the max column size to keep static allocation
when possible. The drawback is that we cannot exploit a fixed number
of columns for unrolling or other optimizations.

This last limitation could be addressed by instancing the code twice
(thin and full), and do a dynamic branching.

The last option I see, and perhaps my favorite, would be to add a
ThinJacobiSVD class (on top of the general JacobiSVD) that would
always compute the thin U and thin V. This variant would be ideal for
solving: it would prevent the need to add ComputeThinU|ComputeThinV
every time. I'm pretty sure it would cover 90% of the use cases. Of
course we would also add a .thinJacobiSVD() member to MatrixBase.

Any opinion?

Gael, who is trying to restart some dynamism in Eigen's development;)

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