Re: [eigen] Ambiguous call

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Sounds good, will you make a patch?
Sure, it's done. Let me know if something goes wrong.




2011/12/7 Luis Peñaranda<luis.penaranda@xxxxxxx>:

I have a problem with a simple call to the determinant of a
Eigen::Matrix<NT,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic>  . This works for many
different instantiations of NT, like mpq_class. The problem is when I try to
use a rational number type from the CGAL library, CGAL::Gmpq. I get the
following error from the compiler:

/usr/local/include/eigen3/Eigen/src/Core/Functors.h:284:90: error: call of
overloaded ‘abs(const CGAL::Gmpq&)’ is ambiguous

The point is that the function abs(a) is also defined for CGAL::Gmpq.
Digging inside the code, I found that the line 284 of the above file reads

  EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const result_type operator() (const Scalar&  a) const {
return abs(a); }

This function is inside the namespace internal::, and I think what is
intended here is to return internal::abs(a). Changing this line resulted in
a correct compilation.

My question are two, then. Is it right what I am saying? Is it feasible to
make this change permanent?

Thank you,


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