Re: [eigen] Significant perf regression probably due to bug 363 patches

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Sorry, disregard the previous attachment, you need this one...

--eamon@xxxxxxxxxxxx - Tel#:+31-6-15142163

On Sat, Nov 5, 2011 at 17:51, Eamon Nerbonne <eamon@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
OK, I've taken a small portion of the overall benchmark that shows particularly much degradation and moved it and all its dependancies into a single source file for easy use.  I've noticed this particular bit of code uses Map<> to avoid resizing checks, perhaps that's where the inlining is going wrong? 

The benchmark is a stochastic gradient descent (trying to find a discriminative linear dimension reduction).  You can control the datatype (float/double) and the low-dimension dimensionality by preprocessor directive i.e. on the compiler command line.  It uses mt19937 to generate a sample dataset, and doing that using boost is nicest since that results in the same dataset across compilers, but if you don't want to, you can use the TR1/C++0x implementation by the compiler instead (toggles via preprocessor directive). 

Example usage: g++ GgmLvqBench.cpp -std=c++0x  -DNDEBUG  -DLVQFLOAT=float -DLVQ_LOW_DIM_SPACE=4 -O3 -march=native

When run, the best timing of 10 runs is written to standard out, and 4 error rates for each of the 10 runs are written to standard error; the 4 error rates represent accuracies during training and should generally decrease.
You can define EIGEN_DONT_VECTORIZE to disable eigen's vectorization
You can define NO_BOOST to use the mt19937 implementation provided by the compiler and not boost's, however the generated dataset may differ and this may (very slightly) affect performance
You can define LVQFLOAT as float or double; computations will use that type; (default: double)
You can define LVQ_LOW_DIM_SPACE as some fixed number in range [2..19] (default:2) which controls the number of dimensions the algorithm will work in.  Other positive numbers might work too.

--eamon@xxxxxxxxxxxx - Tel#:+31-6-15142163

On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 12:57, Benoit Jacob <jacob.benoit.1@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Eamon

This is very concerning; can you share your benchmark so that I can
try myself? I would like to understand why it's slow.


2011/11/4 Eamon Nerbonne <eamon@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> On a benchmark I use to check the performance of a simple gradient descent
> algorithm, I've noticesd large performance degradation over the last month.
> NV benchmark results use eigen without vectorization, V results are with
> vectorization.  The timings represent best-of-several runs and exhibit
> essentially no variation.
> Before changeset 4285 (25ba289d5292) Bug 363 - check for integer overflow in
> byte-size computations:
> LvqBenchNV on GCC: 1.22s
> LvqBenchV on GCC: 0.991s
> LvqBenchNV on MSC: 2.39s
> LvqBenchV on MSC: 1.64s
> Locally patched with some EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE for MSC; Before changeset 4285
> (25ba289d5292) Bug 363 - check for integer overflow in byte-size
> computations:
> LvqBenchNV on GCC: 1.21s
> LvqBenchV on GCC: 0.991s
> LvqBenchNV on MSC: 1.75s
> LvqBenchV on MSC: 1.35s
> After changeset 4309 (93b090532ed2) Mention that the axis in AngleAxis have
> to be normalized.:
> LvqBenchNV on GCC: 1.53s
> LvqBenchV on GCC: 1.41s
> LvqBenchNV on MSC: 2.42s
> LvqBenchV on MSC: 1.74s
> Locally patched with some EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE for MSC; After changeset 4309
> (93b090532ed2) Mention that the axis in AngleAxis have to be normalized.:
> LvqBenchNV on GCC: 1.52s
> LvqBenchV on GCC: 1.41s
> LvqBenchNV on MSC: 1.97s
> LvqBenchV on MSC: 1.64s
> This represents a 42% slowdown for the fastest gcc (4.6.2 svn) results and a
> 21% slowdown for the fastest MSC results.
> Since the benchmark mostly consists of simple muls and adds on matrices of
> size Nx1, 2x1, 2x2 and 2xN, each individual operation is just a few floating
> point operations and thus overhead is very relevant.  I'm guessing this is
> due to the bug 363 related checkins; the extra checking is possibly hamping
> inlining and possibly just represents a significant number of operations in
> relation to the otherwise cheap matrix ops.  The slow version has the inline
> for check_rows_cols_for_overflow already, so that's not it.
> Perhaps a flag disabling all checking would be nice; especially if there are
> any other such checks which might be removed...
> --eamon@xxxxxxxxxxxx - Tel#:+31-6-15142163

//by Eamon Nerbonne, 2011
//Compile this program with any of the following preprocessor flags defined; 
//e.g. g++ GgmLvqBench.cpp -std=c++0x  -DNDEBUG  -DLVQFLOAT=float -DLVQ_LOW_DIM_SPACE=4 -O3 -march=native
//When run, the best timing of 10 runs is written to standard out, and 4 error rates for each of the 10 runs are written to standard error; the 4 error rates represent accuracies during training and should generally decrease.
//You can define EIGEN_DONT_VECTORIZE to disable eigen's vectorization
//You can define NO_BOOST to use the mt19937 implementation provided by the compiler and not boost's, however the generated dataset may differ and this may (very slightly) affect performance
//You can define LVQFLOAT as float or double; computations will use that type; (default: double)
//You can define LVQ_LOW_DIM_SPACE as some fixed number in range [2..19] (default:2) which controls the number of dimensions the algorithm will work in.  Other positive numbers might work too.

//note; -funsafe-math-optimizations makes a huge difference for 8-dim doubles, no idea why...

#ifndef LVQFLOAT
#define LVQFLOAT double

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning( push, 3 )
#pragma warning (disable: 4242)
#include <bench/BenchTimer.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <Eigen/EigenValues>
#include <Eigen/StdVector>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>

#ifndef NO_BOOST
#include <boost/random/variate_generator.hpp>
#include <boost/random/mersenne_twister.hpp>
#include <boost/random/uniform_real.hpp>
#include <boost/random/normal_distribution.hpp>
typedef boost::mt19937 mtGen;
typedef boost::normal_distribution<> normDistrib;
typedef boost::variate_generator<mtGen&, normDistrib > normDistribGen;
typedef	boost::uniform_real<> uniformDistrib;
typedef boost::variate_generator<mtGen&, uniformDistrib > uniformDistribGen;
#ifdef __GNUC__
#include <tr1/random>
typedef std::tr1::mt19937 mtGen;
typedef std::tr1::normal_distribution<> normDistrib;
typedef std::tr1::variate_generator<mtGen&, normDistrib > normDistribGen;
typedef	std::tr1::uniform_real<> uniformDistrib;
typedef std::tr1::variate_generator<mtGen&, uniformDistrib > uniformDistribGen;
#include <random>
typedef std::mt19937 mtGen;
typedef std::normal_distribution<> normDistrib;
typedef std::variate_generator<mtGen&, normDistrib > normDistribGen;
typedef	std::uniform_real<> uniformDistrib;
typedef std::variate_generator<mtGen&, uniformDistrib > uniformDistribGen;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning( pop)
#pragma warning (disable: 4514)

using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;

#define str(s) #s
#define LVQ_BENCH_SETTINGS_HELPER(dim, type) (str(dim) " dimensions of " str(type) "s")
#ifndef NDEBUG
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#ifdef __GNUC__


#define LR0 (LVQFLOAT(0.03))
#define LrScaleP (LVQFLOAT(0.03))
#define LrScaleB (LVQFLOAT(0.3))
#define MEANSEP (LVQFLOAT(2.0))

#define DIMS 19
#define CLASSCOUNT 4
#ifdef NDEBUG
#define BENCH_RUNS 10
#define POINTS_PER_CLASS 3000
#define BENCH_RUNS 3
#define POINTS_PER_CLASS 300

typedef Matrix<LVQFLOAT, LVQ_LOW_DIM_SPACE, Dynamic> Matrix_LN;
typedef Matrix_LN Matrix_P;
typedef Matrix<LVQFLOAT, Dynamic, Dynamic> Matrix_NN;
typedef Matrix<LVQFLOAT, Dynamic, 1> Vector_N;
typedef Matrix<LVQFLOAT, LVQ_LOW_DIM_SPACE, 1> Vector_L;
typedef Matrix<unsigned char,Dynamic,Dynamic,RowMajor> ClassDiagramT;
typedef Map<Vector_N, Aligned> MVectorXd;

struct MatchQuality {
	LVQFLOAT distGood,distBad;
	LVQFLOAT costFunc;
	bool isErr;

static LVQFLOAT sqr(LVQFLOAT v) {return v*v;}

struct GoodBadMatch {
	LVQFLOAT distGood, distBad;
	int matchGood, matchBad;
	inline GoodBadMatch()
		: distGood(std::numeric_limits<LVQFLOAT>::infinity())
		, distBad(std::numeric_limits<LVQFLOAT>::infinity())

	MatchQuality GgmQuality(){
		MatchQuality retval;
		retval.isErr = distGood >= distBad;

		retval.costFunc = tanh((distGood-distBad)/(LVQFLOAT)4.0);
		retval.distBad = distBad;
		retval.distGood = distGood; =(LVQFLOAT) (1.0/4.0) * (1 - sqr(retval.costFunc));
		return retval;

class GgmLvqPrototype
	friend class GgmLvqModel;
	Matrix_LL B;
	Vector_L P_point;

	int classLabel; //only set during initialization.
	Vector_N point;
	LVQFLOAT bias;//-ln(det(B)^2)

	EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void ComputePP(Matrix_P const & P) {
		P_point.noalias() = P * point;

	EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void RecomputeBias() {
		bias = - log(sqr(B.determinant()));

	inline Vector_L const & projectedPosition() const{return P_point;}

	GgmLvqPrototype() : classLabel(-1) {}

	GgmLvqPrototype(int protoLabel, Vector_N const & initialVal, Matrix_P const & P, Matrix_LL const & scaleB) 
		: classLabel(protoLabel)
		, point(initialVal) 
		, bias(0.0)
		B = scaleB;

	inline LVQFLOAT SqrDistanceTo(Vector_L const & P_testPoint) const {
		Vector_L P_Diff = P_testPoint - P_point;
		return (B * P_Diff).squaredNorm() + bias;//waslazy


typedef vector<GgmLvqPrototype, aligned_allocator<GgmLvqPrototype> > protoList;

template <typename T> EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE static LVQFLOAT projectionSquareNorm(T const & projectionMatrix) {
	return (projectionMatrix.transpose() * projectionMatrix).diagonal().sum();

static LVQFLOAT normalizeProjection(Matrix_P & projectionMatrix) {
	LVQFLOAT scale = LVQFLOAT(LVQFLOAT(1.0)/sqrt(projectionSquareNorm(projectionMatrix)));
	projectionMatrix *= scale;
	return scale;

static Matrix_NN ComputeClassMeans(int classCount, Matrix_NN const & points, VectorXi const & labels)  {
	Matrix_NN means(points.rows(), classCount);
	VectorXi freq = VectorXi::Zero(classCount);

	for(ptrdiff_t i=0;i<points.cols();++i) {
		means.col(labels(i)) += points.col(i);
	for(int i=0;i<classCount;i++) {
		if(freq(i) >0)
			means.col(i) /= LVQFLOAT(freq(i));
	return means;

static pair<Matrix_NN, VectorXi> InitByClassMeans(int classCount, int prototypesPerClass, Matrix_NN const & points, VectorXi const & labels)  {
	Matrix_NN  prototypes(points.rows(),prototypesPerClass*classCount);
	VectorXi protolabels(prototypes.cols());
	Matrix_NN classmeans = ComputeClassMeans(classCount,points,labels);
	int pi=0;
	for(int i = 0; i < classCount; ++i) {
		for(int subpi =0; subpi < prototypesPerClass; ++subpi, ++pi){
			prototypes.col(pi).noalias() = classmeans.col(i);
			protolabels(pi) = (int)i;

	return make_pair(prototypes,protolabels);

template <typename TPoints>
struct PrincipalComponentAnalysisTemplate {

	typedef Eigen::Matrix<typename TPoints::Scalar,TPoints::RowsAtCompileTime,1> TPoint;
	typedef Eigen::Matrix<typename TPoints::Scalar,TPoints::RowsAtCompileTime,TPoints::RowsAtCompileTime> TMatrix;
	typedef typename TPoints::Scalar Scalar;
	typedef typename TPoints::Index Index;

	static void DoPcaFromCov(TMatrix const & covarianceMatrix, TMatrix & transform, TPoint & eigenvalues ) {	
		using namespace std;

		Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<TMatrix> eigenSolver(covarianceMatrix, Eigen::ComputeEigenvectors);
		TPoint eigenvaluesUnsorted = eigenSolver.eigenvalues();
		TMatrix eigVecUnsorted = eigenSolver.eigenvectors();

		vector<pair<Scalar, Index> > v;
		for(Index i=0;i<eigenvaluesUnsorted.size();++i)
			v.push_back( make_pair(-eigenvaluesUnsorted(i),i) );

		assert(eigVecUnsorted.cols() == eigVecUnsorted.rows());
		transform.resize(eigVecUnsorted.cols(), eigVecUnsorted.rows());

		for(ptrdiff_t i=0;i<eigenvalues.size();++i) {
			transform.row(i).noalias() = eigVecUnsorted.col(v[(size_t)i].second);
			eigenvalues(i) = eigenvaluesUnsorted(v[(size_t)i].second);
		//now eigVecSorted.transpose() is an orthonormal projection matrix from data space to PCA space
		//eigenvaluesSorted tells you how important the various dimensions are, we care mostly about the first 2...
		//and then we could transform the data too ...

typedef PrincipalComponentAnalysisTemplate<Matrix_NN> PcaHighDim;
typedef PrincipalComponentAnalysisTemplate<Matrix_P> PcaLowDim;

inline static Matrix_LL CovarianceL(Matrix_LN const & points) { // faster for small matrices
	Vector_L mean = points.rowwise().mean();
	Vector_L diff = Vector_L::Zero();
	Matrix_LL cov = Matrix_LL::Zero();
	for(int i=0;i<points.cols();++i) {
		diff.noalias() = points.col(i) - mean;
		cov.noalias() += diff * diff.transpose(); 
	return cov * (LVQFLOAT)(1.0/(points.cols()-1.0));

inline static Matrix_NN CovarianceN(Matrix_NN const & points) { // faster for large matrices
	Vector_N mean = points.rowwise().mean();
	Matrix_NN cov = Matrix_NN::Zero(points.rows(),points.rows());
	Matrix_NN meanCentered = points.colwise() - mean;
	cov.triangularView<Eigen::StrictlyUpper>() = cov.adjoint();
	return cov;

static Matrix_LL normalizingB(Matrix_LL const & cov) {
	Vector_L eigVal;
	Matrix_LL pcaLowD;
	return eigVal.array().sqrt().inverse().matrix().asDiagonal()*pcaLowD;

inline Matrix_P PcaProjectIntoLd(Matrix_NN const & points) { 
	Matrix_NN transform;
	Vector_N eigenvalues;
	return transform.topRows<LVQ_LOW_DIM_SPACE>();


class GgmLvqModel
	LVQFLOAT trainIter;
	LVQFLOAT iterationScaleFactor;
	int epochsTrained;
	int classCount;

	Matrix_P P;

	protoList prototype;

	//we will preallocate a few temp vectors to reduce malloc/free overhead.
	Vector_N m_vJ, m_vK;
	Matrix_P m_PpseudoinvT;

	LVQFLOAT stepLearningRate() { //starts at 1.0, descending with power -0.75
		LVQFLOAT scaledIter = trainIter*iterationScaleFactor+(LVQFLOAT)1.0;
		return (LVQFLOAT)1.0 / sqrt(scaledIter*sqrt(scaledIter)); // significantly faster than exp(-0.75*log(scaledIter)) 
	GgmLvqModel(int classCount, int protosPerClass,  Matrix_NN const & points, VectorXi const & labels)
		: trainIter(0)
		, epochsTrained(0)
		, classCount(classCount)
		, m_vJ(points.rows())
		, m_vK(points.rows())
		, m_PpseudoinvT(LVQ_LOW_DIM_SPACE,points.rows())
		iterationScaleFactor = LVQ_ITERFACTOR_PERPROTO/sqrt((LVQFLOAT)protosPerClass*classCount);

		P = PcaProjectIntoLd(points);

		auto protos = InitByClassMeans(classCount,protosPerClass,points,labels);
		Matrix_NN prototypes = get<0>(protos);
		VectorXi protoLabels = get<1>(protos);

		Matrix_LL initB = 	normalizingB(CovarianceL(P * points));

		for(ptrdiff_t protoIndex=0; protoIndex < protoLabels.size(); ++protoIndex) {
			prototype[(size_t)protoIndex] = 	GgmLvqPrototype(protoLabels(protoIndex), prototypes.col(protoIndex), P, initB);

	void ClassBoundaryDiagram(LVQFLOAT x0, LVQFLOAT x1, LVQFLOAT y0, LVQFLOAT y1, ClassDiagramT & classDiagram) const {
		int cols = static_cast<int>(classDiagram.cols());
		int rows = static_cast<int>(classDiagram.rows());
		LVQFLOAT xDelta = (x1-x0) / cols;
		LVQFLOAT yDelta = (y1-y0) / rows;
		LVQFLOAT xBase = x0+xDelta*(LVQFLOAT)0.5;
		LVQFLOAT yBase = y0+yDelta*(LVQFLOAT)0.5;

		Matrix_P B_diff_x0_y(LVQ_LOW_DIM_SPACE,prototype.size()); //Contains B_i * (testPoint[x, y0] - P*proto_i)  for all proto's i
		//will update to include changes to X.
		Matrix_P B_xDelta(LVQ_LOW_DIM_SPACE,prototype.size());//Contains B_i * (xDelta, 0)  for all proto's i
		Matrix_P B_yDelta(LVQ_LOW_DIM_SPACE,prototype.size());//Contains B_i * (0 , yDelta)  for all proto's i
		Vector_N pBias((ptrdiff_t)prototype.size());//Contains prototype[i].bias for all proto's i

		for(ptrdiff_t pi=0; pi < (ptrdiff_t)prototype.size(); ++pi) {
			auto & current_proto = prototype[(size_t)pi];
			B_diff_x0_y.col(pi).noalias() = current_proto.B * ( Vector_L(xBase,yBase) - current_proto.P_point);
			B_xDelta.col(pi).noalias() = current_proto.B * Vector_L(xDelta,0.0);
			B_yDelta.col(pi).noalias() = current_proto.B * Vector_L(0.0,yDelta);
			pBias(pi) = current_proto.bias;

		for(int yRow=0; yRow < rows; yRow++) {
			Matrix_P B_diff_x_y(B_diff_x0_y); //copy that includes changes to X as well.
			for(int xCol=0; xCol < cols; xCol++) {
				// x = xBase + xCol * xDelta;  y = yBase + yCol * yDelta;
				Matrix_NN::Index bestProtoI;
				(B_diff_x_y.colwise().squaredNorm() + pBias.transpose()).minCoeff(&bestProtoI);
				classDiagram(yRow, xCol) =(unsigned char) prototype[(size_t)bestProtoI].classLabel;

				B_diff_x_y.noalias() += B_xDelta;
			B_diff_x0_y.noalias() += B_yDelta;

	inline LVQFLOAT SqrDistanceTo(size_t protoIndex, Vector_L const & P_otherPoint) const { return prototype[protoIndex].SqrDistanceTo(P_otherPoint); }

	//end for templates

	EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE GoodBadMatch findMatches(Vector_L const & trainPoint, int trainLabel) const {
		GoodBadMatch match;
		assert(trainPoint.sum() == trainPoint.sum());//no NaN
		for(size_t i=0;i < prototype.size();i++) {
			LVQFLOAT curDist = SqrDistanceTo(i, trainPoint);
			if(prototype[i].classLabel == trainLabel) {
				if(curDist < match.distGood) {
					match.matchGood = (int)i;
					match.distGood = curDist;
			} else {
				if(curDist < match.distBad) {
					match.matchBad = (int)i;
					match.distBad = curDist;
		return match;

	MatchQuality ComputeMatches(Vector_N const & unknownPoint, int pointLabel) const { return this->findMatches(P * unknownPoint, pointLabel).GgmQuality(); }
	MatchQuality learnFrom(Vector_N const & trainPoint, int trainLabel) {
		using namespace std;
		const size_t protoCount = prototype.size();
		LVQFLOAT learningRate = stepLearningRate();

		LVQFLOAT lr_point = -LR0 * learningRate,
			lr_P = lr_point * LrScaleP,
			lr_B = lr_point * LrScaleB,// * (1.0 - learningRate),
			lr_bad = sqr((LVQFLOAT)1.0 - learningRate) ;

		assert(lr_P<=0 && lr_B<=0 && lr_point<=0);

		Vector_L P_trainPoint( P * trainPoint );

		GoodBadMatch matches = findMatches(P_trainPoint, trainLabel);

		//now matches.good is "J" and matches.bad is "K".
		GgmLvqPrototype &J = prototype[(size_t)matches.matchGood];
		GgmLvqPrototype &K = prototype[(size_t)matches.matchBad];
		MatchQuality ggmQuality = matches.GgmQuality();
		LVQFLOAT muJ2 = 2*;
		LVQFLOAT muK2 = -muJ2;
		MVectorXd vJ(,m_vJ.size());
		MVectorXd vK(,m_vK.size());

		Vector_L P_vJ= J.P_point - P_trainPoint;
		Vector_L P_vK = K.P_point - P_trainPoint;
		Vector_L muJ2_Bj_P_vJ = muJ2 *  (J.B * P_vJ) ;
		Vector_L muK2_Bk_P_vK = muK2 *  (K.B * P_vK) ;
		vJ = J.point - trainPoint;
		vK = K.point - trainPoint;
		Vector_L muJ2_BjT_Bj_P_vJ =  J.B.transpose() * muJ2_Bj_P_vJ ;
		Vector_L muK2_BkT_Bk_P_vK = K.B.transpose() * muK2_Bk_P_vK ;

		Matrix_LL neg_muJ2_JBinvT = -muJ2* J.B.inverse().transpose();
		Matrix_LL neg_muK2_KBinvT = -muK2* K.B.inverse().transpose();

		J.B.noalias() += lr_B * (muJ2_Bj_P_vJ * P_vJ.transpose() + neg_muJ2_JBinvT );
		K.B.noalias() += (lr_bad*lr_B) * (muK2_Bk_P_vK * P_vK.transpose() + neg_muK2_KBinvT) ;

		J.point.noalias() += P.transpose()* (lr_point * muJ2_BjT_Bj_P_vJ);
		K.point.noalias() += P.transpose() * (lr_bad * lr_point * muK2_BkT_Bk_P_vK) ;

		P.noalias() += (lr_P * muK2_BkT_Bk_P_vK) * vK.transpose() + (lr_P * muJ2_BjT_Bj_P_vJ) * vJ.transpose();

		for(size_t i=0;i < protoCount;++i)
		return ggmQuality;

	Matrix_LN GetProjectedPrototypes() const {
		Matrix_LN retval(LVQ_LOW_DIM_SPACE, static_cast<int>(prototype.size()));
		for(unsigned i=0;i<prototype.size();++i)
			retval.col(i) = prototype[i].projectedPosition();
		return retval;

	vector<int> GetPrototypeLabels() const;
	Matrix_P const & Projection() const {return P;}

class LvqDatasetStats {
	LVQFLOAT meanCost_sum, errorRate_sum, muMean_sum,muMax_val;
	size_t counter;
	LvqDatasetStats()		: meanCost_sum(0.0), errorRate_sum(0.0), muMean_sum(0.0), muMax_val(0.0),  counter(0)	{	}
	void Add(MatchQuality match) {
		assert(-1<=match.costFunc && match.costFunc<=1);
		errorRate_sum+= match.isErr ?1:0;
		meanCost_sum += match.costFunc;;
		muMax_val = max(muMax_val,;

	LVQFLOAT meanCost() const {return meanCost_sum / counter;}
	LVQFLOAT errorRate()  const{return errorRate_sum / counter;}
	LVQFLOAT muMean()  const{return muMean_sum / counter; }
	LVQFLOAT muMax() const {return muMax_val;}

static LvqDatasetStats ComputeCostAndErrorRate(GgmLvqModel const & model, Matrix_NN const & points, VectorXi const & labels) {
	LvqDatasetStats stats;
	Vector_N point;
	for(int i=0;i<points.cols();++i) {
		point = points.col(i);
		MatchQuality matchQ = model.ComputeMatches(point, labels(i));

	return stats;

static void PrintModelStatus(char const * label,GgmLvqModel const & model, Matrix_NN const & points, VectorXi const & labels) {
	using namespace std;

	auto stats = ComputeCostAndErrorRate(model,points,labels);

	cerr << label<< " err: "<<stats.errorRate()<< ", cost: "<<stats.meanCost();

	Matrix_LN protos = model.GetProjectedPrototypes();

	Vector_L minV= protos.rowwise().minCoeff();
	Vector_L maxV= protos.rowwise().maxCoeff();
	Vector_L range = maxV-minV;

	ClassDiagramT diagram(800,800);
	model.ClassBoundaryDiagram(minV(0),maxV(0),minV(1),maxV(1), diagram);
	Matrix_P projMatrix = model.Projection();

static void EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE prefetch(void const * start,size_t lines) {
	for(size_t i=0;i<lines;i++)
		_mm_prefetch( (const char*)start + 64*i, _MM_HINT_T0);//_MM_HINT_T0 or _MM_HINT_NTA

static void TrainModel(mtGen & shuffleRand, Matrix_NN const & points, VectorXi const & labels, int epochs, GgmLvqModel & model) {
	int dims = static_cast<int>(points.rows());
	Vector_N pointA(dims);
	size_t cacheLines = (dims*sizeof(points(0,0) ) +63)/ 64 ;

	vector<int> shuffledOrder((size_t)points.cols());
	for(size_t i=0;i<(size_t)points.cols();++i)
	for(int epoch=0; epoch<epochs; ++epoch) {
		random_shuffle(shuffledOrder.begin(), shuffledOrder.end(), [&](ptrdiff_t options) { return shuffleRand()%options;});
		for(size_t tI=0; tI<shuffledOrder.size(); ++tI) {
			int pointIndex = shuffledOrder[tI];
			int pointClass = labels(pointIndex);
			pointA = points.col(pointIndex);
			prefetch( &points.coeff (0, shuffledOrder[(tI+1)%shuffledOrder.size()]), cacheLines);
			model.learnFrom(pointA, pointClass);

static void TestModel(mtGen & shuffleRand, Matrix_NN const & points, VectorXi const & labels, int protosPerClass, int iters) {
	BenchTimer t;
	GgmLvqModel model(labels.maxCoeff()+1,protosPerClass, points, labels);

	cerr<<"constructing with "<< VERSIONSTR_BENCHSETTINGS<<"("<<VERSIONSTR_VECTORIZATION <<"): "<<t.value()<<"s\n";

	PrintModelStatus("Initial", model, points,labels);

	int num_groups=3;
	for(int i=0;i<num_groups;i++) {
		int itersDone=iters*i/num_groups;
		int itersUpto=iters*(i+1)/num_groups;
		int itersTodo = itersUpto-itersDone;
		if(itersTodo>0) {
			TrainModel(shuffleRand, points,labels,itersTodo,model);
			PrintModelStatus("Trained", model, points,labels);
	cerr<<"training: "<<t.value()<<"s\n\n";

//randomizes all values of the matrix; each is independently drawn from a normal distribution with provided mean and sigma (=stddev).
template<typename T> static void RandomMatrixInit(mtGen & rng, Eigen::MatrixBase< T>& mat, LVQFLOAT mean, LVQFLOAT sigma) {
	normDistrib distrib(mean,sigma);
	normDistribGen rndGen(rng, distrib);
	for(int j=0; j<mat.cols(); j++)
		for(int i=0; i<mat.rows(); i++)
			mat(i,j) = (LVQFLOAT)rndGen();

template <typename T> static T randomUnscalingMatrix(mtGen & rngParams, int dims) {
	T P(dims, dims);
	LVQFLOAT Pdet = 0.0;
	while(!(Pdet >0.1 &&Pdet < 10)) {
		RandomMatrixInit(rngParams, P, 0, 1.0);
		Pdet = P.determinant();
		if(fabs(Pdet) <= std::numeric_limits<LVQFLOAT>::epsilon()) continue;//exceedingly unlikely.
		if(Pdet < 0.0) //sign doesn't _really_ matter.
			P.col(0) *=-1;
		LVQFLOAT scale= pow (fabs(Pdet),(LVQFLOAT)-1.0/LVQFLOAT(dims));

		P *= scale;
		Pdet = P.determinant();
	return P;

template <typename T> static T randomScalingMatrix(mtGen & rngParams, int dims,LVQFLOAT detScalePower ) {
	uniformDistrib distrib;
	uniformDistribGen rndGen(rngParams, distrib);
	T P = randomUnscalingMatrix<T>(rngParams, dims);
	return P;

static Matrix_NN MakePointCloud(mtGen & rngParams, mtGen & rngInst, int dims, int pointCount, LVQFLOAT meansep) {

	Vector_N offset(dims);
	RandomMatrixInit(rngParams, offset, 0, meansep/sqrt(static_cast<LVQFLOAT>(dims)));

	Matrix_NN P = randomScalingMatrix<Matrix_NN>(rngParams, dims,1.0);
	Matrix_NN points(dims,pointCount);
	RandomMatrixInit(rngInst, points, 0, 1.0);

	return P * points + offset * Vector_N::Ones(pointCount).transpose();

static pair<Matrix_NN, VectorXi> ConstructGaussianClouds(mtGen & rngParams, mtGen & rngInst, int dims, int classCount, int pointsPerClass, LVQFLOAT meansep){
	Matrix_NN allpoints(dims, classCount*pointsPerClass);
	for(int classLabel=0;classLabel < classCount; classLabel++) 
		allpoints.block(0, classLabel*pointsPerClass, dims, pointsPerClass) = MakePointCloud(rngParams,rngInst, dims, pointsPerClass,  meansep * classCount);

	VectorXi trainingLabels = VectorXi::Zero(allpoints.cols());
	for(int i=0; i<(int)trainingLabels.size(); ++i) 
		trainingLabels(i) = i/pointsPerClass;

	return make_pair(allpoints,trainingLabels);

static double EasyLvqTest() {
	mtGen rngP(73),rngI(37),rngS(42);
	BenchTimer t;
	auto dataset = ConstructGaussianClouds(rngP,rngI, DIMS,CLASSCOUNT,POINTS_PER_CLASS, MEANSEP); 

	for(int bI=0;bI<BENCH_RUNS;++bI)
		TestModel(rngS,get<0>(dataset),get<1>(dataset),PROTOSPERCLASS, EPOCHS );

static size_t fileSize(const char* filepath) {
  ifstream f(filepath, ifstream::binary | ifstream::in);
  if (!f.good())  return 0;//e.g. if you call in windows without ".exe" we won't actually _find_ the executable; return 0 then.
  f.seekg(0, ios_base::end);
  return f.tellg() - ifstream::pos_type();

int main(int , char*argv []){ 
	double seconds = EasyLvqTest();
	cout<<"EigenBench" << VERSIONSTR_VECTORIZATION << VERSIONSTR_DEBUG << " on " <<VERSIONSTR_COMPILER<<" with "<<VERSIONSTR_BENCHSETTINGS<< ": "<<seconds<<"s " << fileSize(argv[0])/1024 <<"KB\n"; //resizeTest() <<"s; "
	return 0;

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