Re: [eigen] AVX/LRB and SSE with SoA support

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I implemented a function where a sphere cuts a Ray Bundle (Most problems can be demonstrated there). It may not be optimally implemented, but i think it works as a simple example.

I did not yet put the data into blocks, as a few other problems occurred.

I used eigen2 for this.
-using VS2008 and the Intel compiler it compiles and runs correctly.
-g++ prints out errors with cwise()

The resulting code does not use SSE-Instructions that often. I do not know if this is because i used eigen2 in the wrong way. The compiler(VS2008) has SSE-Instructions enabled.

Also the _mm_or_ps is avaiable through ei_por in Eigen3, but not via a normal interface function. _mm_movemask_ps is not avaiable at all.
Would EIGEN_MATRIXBASE_PLUGIN be the way to include these?

Is it a good idea at all to use Eigen, if one does not want to be more than about 20% slower than with a naive Intrinsics-implementation?


On 07/03/2010 09:11 AM, Gael Guennebaud wrote:

first things first, supporting a new vector engine in eigen is
relatively easy. However, you won't be able to right code
"templatized" on the vector engine, and even with a custom library I
doubt that's doable. The choice of the vector engine has to be
compiler options. So, the way to support multiple vector engines at
runtime (I guess this is what you want?), is to have a trivial
function foo(...) selecting the right implementation function e.g.,
foo_sse(...), foo_sse4(...), etc. The foo_* functions are implemented
only once, by putting it in its own file which will be compiled
multiple times with different compiler options (e.g., -msse, -msse4,
etc.). The actual of the function (foo_sse) will be built using the
preprocessor, e.g.:


Now regarding the special interleaved packing of the data, there is
currently no such thing in eigen, however, I think you can easily add
that on top of, e.g., a
Array<float,Dynamic,ei_packet_traits<float>::size,RowMajor>. It will
be initialized with dimension *
? 0 : 1) rows where dimension is three in your example, and size is
the number of element. You can easily get the i-th element as follow:

i%ei_packet_traits<float>::size) = Vector3f(x,y,z);

The idea would be to add a class warping this underlying_array to make
it convenient to use. The main questions are what is the set of
features which have to be supported? How do we want to use it? through
a manual loop over the (e.g., 3x4) blocks? through functors? through
high level expression template code? etc.

To finish, this is definitely something I planed to do the future, so
I'd be glad to discuss with you its design and help you to get it
right regarding Eigen.



On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 11:56 PM, keller<christoph-keller@xxxxxx>  wrote:

I have to implement a raytracer that uses the Vector units of modern x86

Intel will introduce AVX soon. I have to support AVX and SSE and i do not
want all of my code replicated. I currently use the Intels intrinsics. If
Intel adds the Larrabee extensions into normal x86 CPUs one would even have
to write three versions.

As i use Eigen in parts of the software i wonder if one could support this
with Eigen. The typical situation is like this.
-One has a ray bundle with 16 rays that are arranged in SoA format:
This format has to be changed when using AVX/LRB of course.
-One source of the rays and an object like a sphere

Ideally i have a function like testCut(Bundles, Sphere) that uses a template
parameter to set the Vector extension to use. I do not want to partially
specialize this function but use some structures and functions in testCut
that depend on the template parameter.

The question for me is: Develop a small library of my own, or use Eigen
(where i can contribute this functionality). I know i can do this with a
custom library, but i dont know if it is easy to add this functionality to

I think a lot of people will have the same problem soon.


// EigenTest.cpp : Definiert den Einstiegspunkt für die Konsolenanwendung.

#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <Eigen/Geometry>
#include <iostream>
#include <xmmintrin.h>
#include <emmintrin.h>



typedef Vector4f Vec;

template <int h, int w> 
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Matrix<float , h, 1>
SOAm (Matrix<float, h, w>& l, Matrix<float, h, w>& r) {
	Matrix<float , h, 1>  ret = Matrix<float , h, 1>::Zero();

	for(int i=0; i < w; i++) {
	  ret += l.block<h, 1>(0, i).cwise() * r.block<h, 1>(0, i);

	return ret;

/* cut sphere (r, pos) with rays (from, step)
 * only test if cut occurs */
template <int len, int vLen> 
void cut(float& r, 
		 Vec& pos, 
		 Matrix<float, len, 3>& from, 
		 Matrix<float, len, 3>& step,
		 Matrix<float, len, 1>& mask) {
	typedef Matrix<float , vLen, 1> cT;
	typedef Matrix<float , vLen, 3> mT;
    mT SOAp;
	cT SOArr = cT::Constant(r*r);
	/* obviously for sphere:
	 * (from+t*step)^2 = r*r
	 * from*step*2*t+from^2+t*t*step^2 = r*r
	 * (t*t*step^2) + (2*from*step*t) + (from^2-r*r);
	 * a*t* t       +  b*t            +  c

	for(int i=0; i < 3; i++) //this may be set into the constructor

	for(int i=0; i < len; i += vLen) {
		mT frS = from.block<vLen,3>(i,0);
		mT stS = step.block<vLen,3>(i,0);

		mT diff = frS - stS;		

		//This does not get inlined!
		cT aInv = SOAm<vLen,3>(stS, stS).cwise().inverse();
		cT b = 2*SOAm<vLen,3>(stS, frS);
		cT c = SOAm<vLen,3>(frS, frS) - SOArr;

		cT p = b.cwise()*aInv;
		cT q = b.cwise()*aInv;

		cT sqrVal = p.cwise()*p*0.25f - q;
		if(_mm_movemask_ps(_mm_load_ps( == 15) continue;

		sqrVal = sqrVal.cwise().sqrt(); /* does this use _mm_sqrt_ps()? */
		cT bigSol = -p*0.5f + sqrVal;
		/*may be better to do this in the add unit*/
		__m128 doesCut = _mm_or_ps( /*case some sqrVal < 0 not considered here*/
		_mm_store_ps(, doesCut);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	using namespace std;
#define LEN 16

	float r = 4;
	Vec pos = Vec::Constant(1);
	pos[2] = 2;

	/* I am not sure if sth. like
	 * Matrix<float, 3, 4>[4] from, step;
	 * would be better for the memory access in cut*/

	Matrix<float, LEN, 3> from = Matrix<float, LEN, 3>::Zero();
	Matrix<float, LEN, 3> step = Matrix<float, LEN, 3>::Ones();

	/*use float, as the floating point unit is used*/
	Matrix<float, LEN, 1> hitmask = Matrix<float, LEN, 1>::Zero();

	/*all ray should cut the sphere*/
	cut<LEN, 4>(r, pos, from, step, hitmask);

	return 0;

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