Re: [eigen] The "nested" concept

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let's pick a simple example:

MatrixXf A, B, C;
C = A.transpose() + B;

here A.transpose() returns an object of type:


where the MatrixXf A is nested into the Transpose expression. The
nested type tells how to store the nested object. Here
MatrixXf::Nested boils down to a MatrixXf&, and thus "A.transpose()"
stores a reference to A.

Now, you might wonder why we introduced such a nesting type mechanism
and not always use a reference. There are two main reasons:

1 - Unlike Matrix or Array, other expressions are lightweight and
better nested by value. In the previous example, "A.transpose() + B"
returns an object of type CwiseBinaryOp<ei_scalar_sum_op<float>,
Transpose<MatrixXf>, MatrixXf>  storing both sides of the addition as

Transpose<MatrixXf>::Nested lhs; // left hand side
MatrixXf::Nested rhs; // right hand side

which boils down to:

const Transpose<MatrixXf> lhs; // nesting by value
const MatrixXf& rhs; // nesting by reference

Nesting by value small object avoids temporary headache when a
function has to return complex expressions, e.g.:

template<typename A, typename B>
CwiseBinaryOp<ei_scalar_sum_op<float>, Transpose<A>, B> adjoint(const
A& a, const B& b)
  return a.transpose() + b;

If the temporary "a.transpose()" was stored by reference by the
CwiseBinaryOp expression, then you would end up with a segfault
because the "a.transpose()" temporary is destroyed just before the
function returns, and so the CwiseBinaryOp expression would store a
reference to dead object...

2 - Another reason is to allow to handle expressions which has to be
evaluated into a temporary before being used. For instance, in the
following example:

d = a * b + c;

for performance reason, the matrix product a * b has to be evaluated
into a temporary before evaluating the addition. This is achieved as
follow. Here we build the expression of type:

CwiseBinaryOp<ei_scalar_sum_op<float>, Product<MatrixXf,MatrixXf>, MatrixXf>

which stores a Product<MatrixXf,MatrixXf>::Nested for the lhs, and
Product<MatrixXf,MatrixXf>::Nested is ... MatrixXf !!

Something more complicated:

(a + b) * c

Here, if c is not too small, it is better to evaluate (a+b) into a
temporary before doing the matrix product, otherwise, a+b would be
computed c.cols() times... To this end we have a ei_nested<> helper
class to determine the ideal nesting type. In Product, we have
something like:

ei_nested<CwiseBinaryOp<ei_scalar_sum_op<float>, type_of_a,
type_of_b>, type_of_c::ColsAtCompileTime>::type

giving us the nesting type of the left hand side of the product (here
a MatrixXf if a, b, and c are MatrixXf). For the right hand side here
we have:

ei_nested<CwiseBinaryOp<ei_scalar_sum_op<float>, type_of_c,

which gives us a MatrixXf&.

ei_nested<> determines whether the nested expression has to be
evaluated or not in function of an estimation of the evaluation cost
of one coefficient. This cost is automatically computed by the
expressions in the ei_traits<> specializations.

Yes, this is a bit complicated, but what is very important here, and
that we have to better document, is that when you write a generic
function taking, e.g., a MatrixBase<Derived> object you should really
honor the nesting type of the Derived class:

template<typename Derived>
void foo(const MatrixBase<Derived>& _x)
   typename Derived::Nested x(_x.derived());

  // use x safely

Actually, is you use the argument more than once, you should even use
the ei_nested<> helper:

template<typename Derived>
typename Derived::Scalar foo(const MatrixBase<Derived>& _x)
   typename ei_nested<Derived,2>::type x(_x.derived());

   return (x + x.adjoint()).maxCoeff();

if you don't do so, and call:


then the expensive product a*b will be computed twice !!


On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 9:29 PM, Manoj Rajagopalan <rmanoj@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I see typedefs with names like "MatrixTypeNested". What is this nesting
> concept?
> thanks,
> Manoj

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