Re: [eigen] Blocked QR algorithm - lapack compatible ?

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True, our hCoeffs aren't quite the same as LAPACK's tau. I don't
remember exactly but I'm sure Gael does, as he coded that, so, pinging


2010/5/21  <vincent.lejeune@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to implement a blocked QR algorithm, using the code from
> HouseholderQR.
> I'm using the algorithm used in lapack routine dgeqrf : first I make the
> reduction of a panel of the input matrix, then I build the "T" triangular
> factor in H=I-VT'V' that defines the blocked householder transformation,
> then I apply this transformation to the trailing submatrix by a left
> multiplication. Then I iterate the process.
> I think that the current implemantation of householderQR does not comply
> with lapack routine. The coefficients in hCoeffs() does actually not have
> the same meaning than the one in the TAU vector found in dgeqrf. When
> applying dlarft and dlarfb with hCoeffs to a partially reduced matrix, I
> end with mostly different results than the one furnished by a complete
> eigen householder decomposition (strangly the first row is correct).
> I suspect that the applyhousolderfrom the left use the coefficient in a
> different war than dlarf in lapack does.
> Is there some doc on how hcoeffs from eigen and tau from lapack are
> related ?
> Thanks, Vincent

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