Re: [eigen] LeastSquares, Pseudo Inverse & Geometry

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On Mon, 25 Jan 2010, Thomas Capricelli wrote:

I feel uncomfortable with the name of the module "LeastSquares"

It's nothing more than one function (and one variant) computing linear regression, which is I think a very special case of least squares. The API has a 'geometry' feeling more than an optimization or statistical one. (that's what i'm interested about, you'll have guessed).

What the (currently still unsupported) NonLinearOptimization module does is also least squares, in the non linear case.

Though even in the linear case, this is different from, which also is something that I need. I dont really understand how far it's different, but at least the computation is different : the current LeastSquares module uses eigenvalue, while this article (and the stuff I do) uses pseudo-inverse.

I seem to remember that the LeastSquares module does total least squares, and not ordinary least squares. At least, that is what I claimed in

In two dimensions, both ordinary least squares (OLS) and total least squares (TLS) fit a line y = ax+b through some data (x_i,y_i). OLS chooses the line such that sum_i (ax_i+b-y_i)^2 is minimized; that is the sum of the squares of the distance along the y-direction between the data points and the line. TLS minimizes the sum of the squares of the distance between the data points and the line perpendicular to the line.

My memory is hazy and I'm not sure I remember correctly, but perhaps this puts you in the right direction.


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