Re: [eigen] AutoDiffScalar

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Thanks for responding!

> * I think your "RealScalar prec => const RealScalar& prec" change is useless because, e.g., for a MatrixXd, or an AutoDiffScalar<VectorXd>, RealScalar==double. Basically, whatever the complexity of the coeffecient type, RealScalar type should always be equal to a primitive scalar type. Benoit, what do you think, shall I undo that change while doing the merge ?
I don't think it is true that RealScalar is always a primitive. the
RealScalar of an AutoDiffScalar is the Scalar of DerType. Defining a
AutoDiffScalar<Vector< AutoDiffScalar< VectorXd>>> didn't compile with
error C2719: formal parameter with __declspec(align('16')) won't be aligned

> * Why did you add ei_unused() ? What is its purpose ?
On MSVC I got a lot of warnings about unused parameters. It's not
important though and perhaps warning C4100 should simply be added to

> In CompressedStorage:
> * The behavior of the reserve() function looks even more odd than before. Unless you have strong arguments, I will remove the optional reserveSizeFactor parameter and update resize/append accordingly.
> * I don't understand the purpose of your changes in the ctor. E.g., it is fundamental that "CompressedStorage data(size);" is equivalent to "CompressedStorage data; data.resize(size);"
I had a two problems with how the terms resize/reserve were used.
1. My understanding is (from using stl) that reserve(int N) makes
place internally for N elements - not currentSize()+N.
2. Calling resize() in the constructor effectively fills the storage
with dangling pointers. Why would you want that to be the default
behaviour? I almost think the function resize() should be made
I also found the parameter reserveSizeFactor a bit goofy, but I just
kept it. I wouldn't mind a hard coded growth strategy.
I moved some code around so that the ctor is the only place where
memory is allocated and it is always freed in the dtor.

> * Your change in realloacate kills performances if, e.g., Scalar==AutoDiffScalar<VectorXf> because here we really want shallow copies. I agree that using memcpy is unsafe if the Scalar object creates a child-object which itself reference the parent... but recall that here we are designing containers for numerical values, not general containers. So I think it is fine to use memcpy here. Also a memcpy is much faster than simple for loops, and it is very important to provide optimal performances here.
Ah, this point is key. I really don't care so much about the other
changes, but this memcpy() caused a nasty crash when doing second
derivatives. AFAICT memcpy is inherently dangerous on anything but POD
types. I'll look into exactly why my code crashed.

So to sum up: The two showstoppers for my use-case were passing
RealScalar by value(doesn't compile) and the memcpy(ugly crash).
It is my understanding that to allow for non-POD Scalars in Eigen,
these two changes have to be made.

On the other hand, I certainly don't want to make Eigen slower for
everybody else...

How about expanding NumTraits to let Eigen know if a Scalar is a POD
or not. That way we can also make ei_construct_elements_of_array() and
ei_destruct_elements_of_array() more performant as well by not calling
placement new and dtor on PODs. Qt does something like this in
QVector. It might be worth taking a look at.
And at the same time, it would be really nice to have the Type
"PrimitiveScalar" or similar which always refers to a POD. Look at my
last mail.

Finally,  I'm sorry to make a fuzz about a quite exotic use case, but
I think Eigen has to decide whether matrices of matrices should be
supported or not.


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