Re: [eigen] inconsistent cwise() support

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> >
> > MatrixdX matProd = A * B; // legal, indicates the matrix product of A and B
> > MatrixdX compProd = A.cwise() * B.cwise(); // legal, indicates the
> > component product of A and B
> > MatrixdX invalidProd = A.cwise() * B; // illegal, this isn't a matrix
> > product or pre-component product
> > MatrixdX invalidProd = A * B.cwise(); // illegal, same as above
> Yes, that's exactly where we are going, but with array() instead of cwise().

Cool, that's what I expected.

I wonder what the set of operations is where there is abigutity between the per-component version and the matrix version is?

I guess inverse is another one but thats what solve() is for..

MatrixdX val = 1.0f / A; // illegal?
MatrixdX val = 1.0f / A.array(); // legal?

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