On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 7:14 AM,
<koldo.ramirez@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello Keir
I have read a little bit and Levenberg-Marquardt and Powell's dogleg seems to be a better solution than the programed in N-R.
It depends on the problem. It's usually best to try both.
Is it possible to use libmmv non linear equations solver?. Is it possible to be used without Qt4?
It's a nonlinear minimizer, not an equation solver (though it may work depending on your case). The Qt4 code is not needed. However, the libmv minimizer is really just a toy. It hasn't had any real world use beyond the unittests.
If you were to use it, we're happy to accept patches to improve it.
Best regards
I implemented a primitive Levenberg-Marquardt and Powell's dogleg minimizer using Eigen:
They work on simple problems but are not industrial strength. However, I would be happy to help with extending these if necessary.
On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 8:22 AM, Koldo Ramirez
<koldo.ramirez@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello all
I would like to ask you how to focus non linear equations solving in Eigen. I mean:
1. Is there somebody working on it now?
2. Did you know libraries or code to do it that could match well with Eigen? (including similar license)
I have seen something about DASPK (for DAE solving)
3. The
last solution I have is to port the solver I use that comes in a 90%
from Numerical Recipes source. But I would prefer to include something with a
LGPL like license.
Best regards