Re: [eigen] Does c++ use of "norm" bother anyone else?

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Yes, the word "norm" is not normalized across mathematics...

Personnally I just stay away from using the word "norm" in relation to
complex numbers, instead I say "absolute value" and "squared absolute
value". So in Eigen we do abs and abs2.

So in Eigen::Complex, one may or may not implement norm() for
compatibility with std::complex, i don't have a strong opinion, but
what we must have for sure is abs and abs2.


2009/6/17 Mark Borgerding <mark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> According to matlab/octave and
>  norm(3+4j) =  abs(3+4j) == 5
> but in C++:
>  norm( complex<float>(3,4) ) == 25
>  abs( complex<float>(3,4) ) == 5
> Just thought I'd mention it while we are thinking about problems to solve with Eigen::Complex.
> -- Mark

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