Re: [eigen] internal compiler error in cachefriendlyproduct.h

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Benoit Jacob schrieb:
Great, this is really worth backporting to the branch!
please wait a little bit:

My message was a false positive.

1. The msvc in my office and at home is still not satisfied by the patch. I really dont know why! There are ?arbitrary? circumstances, witch led my compiler hang up, but not eon every run !!.

2. Is this still to be called "/* explicit vectorization */"? Please give me some basic information about that. Then maybe i can look out for an other, smarter, solution.

3. There several places in cachefriendlyproduct.h witch possibly could cause the same problem (by arbitrary circumstances?). What I'm mean is: Why does line #504 (below "process remaining coeffs (or all if there is no explicit vectorization)") or line #522 (below "process first unaligned result's coeffs") not causing the exact same problem????

4. Rev #917843 cause several warnings and errors (see some of them below):



Warning 1 warning C4348: 'Eigen::DiagonalMatrixBase<CoeffsVectorType,Derived>::construct_from_expression' : redefinition of default parameter : parameter 3 c:\develop\eigen\eigen\src\Core\DiagonalMatrix.h 53 test_hyperplane

Error 9 error C2248: 'Eigen::DiagonalMatrix<_Scalar,_Size>::m_coeffs' : cannot access protected member declared in class 'Eigen::DiagonalMatrix<_Scalar,_Size>' c:\develop\eigen\eigen\src\Core\DiagonalMatrix.h 63 test_hyperplane Error 14 error C2666: 'Eigen::Quaternion<_Scalar>::operator *' : 2 overloads have similar conversions c:\Develop\Eigen\test\geometry.cpp 268 test_geometry Error 15 error C2666: 'Eigen::Quaternion<_Scalar>::operator *' : 2 overloads have similar conversions c:\Develop\Eigen\test\geometry.cpp 328 test_geometry

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