Re: [eigen] Multiple inheritance and WithAlignedOperatorNew vs. Msvc

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I have no idea what's going on.

But I have an idea of a workaround. Instead of a base class
WithAlignedOperatorNew, let's offer a macro to generate these

That's probably a better solution anyway, and that's what we're
already doing (since today) in Matrix.



2009/1/5 Armin Berres <trigger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Hey dudes,
> I have a very special present for you:
> Code which is completely fine with Gcc (at least compiled as 32bit and
> executed on 64bit Linux), but happily fails with Msvc 2008 at runtime.
> struct B {};
> struct A : public B, public Eigen::WithAlignedOperatorNew
> {
>        Eigen::Matrix2f m;
> };
> int main()
> {
>        A *a = new A();
> }
> Guess what, it fails with an assertion claiming that A doesn't inherit from
> WithAlignedOperatorNew, which means our friendly matrix 'm' is not aligned.
> So far, so good, but this is not all: If I now add a Matrix to B (and
> leave the rest of the code unchanged) the assertion is gone.
> Has anyone the slightest idea what's going on here? Letting B inherit
> WithAlignedOperatorNew instead of A also solves the problem btw., but there
> are a lot of situations where one can't change the base class.
> Puzzled,
> Armin
> ---


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