[eigen] typedef does not work

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I could of course use the predefinded Matrix2d, but I tried to define it on my own just to try it. However that did not work:

#ifndef ABCD_H_
#define ABCD_H_

#include <Qt/qobject.h>
#include <Eigen/Core>

typedef Matrix<double,2,2> ABCDMatrix;

class ABCD : public QObject
   ABCD(QObject* parent = 0);
   virtual ~ABCD();


gives the following error output:

1>m:\iqo\daten\dev\svn\abcd\laserdesignstudio\laserdesign\src\abcd\ABCD.h(7) : error C2143: Syntaxfehler: Es fehlt ';' vor '<' 1>m:\iqo\daten\dev\svn\abcd\laserdesignstudio\laserdesign\src\abcd\ABCD.h(7) : error C4430: Fehlender Typspezifizierer - int wird angenommen. Hinweis: "default-int" wird von C++ nicht unterstützt.


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