[eigen] scheduling alpha 5 for monday May 26th ?

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I've been unable to focus much on Eigen this week due to a lot of work, but it 
is very important that we release alpha5 soon. I would like to make 
the 'triangular' changes discussed on IRC before, and of course i must 
prepare the wiki and update documentation, so I need some time. My schedule 
is that I won't be able to do anything until monday (On sunday I travel to 
Canada for 3 weeks, but this time while in Canada I should be able to work on 
Eigen). So I can't release alpha5 until next friday, I think. Then I suppose 
that it makes more sense to release on next monday, as I should have more 
time during the weekend.

So, if there's no objection, I propose to release alpha5 on May 26th.


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