Re: [eigen] request for help: 4x4 matrix inverse

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Hi again,

I just finished (well 99% but it produces the right results so far)
the AltiVec version of the matrix inverse routine using matrix 
partitioning technique mentioned in this list (btw, I did a typo in 
one expression, thanks to Jacob for noticing this :)

Anyway I attach the function (it computes the matrix but doesn't save 
it back yet, I was too tired last night at 5am to continue :)
I also included in the file, all the macros/typedefs used in this 
function, for easier reading.

About the performance: it's ~400% faster than a plain matrix inverse 
function in SIMDx86, unoptimized, using the coefficients method.

About matrix inverse SIMD, you might like to check the following URLs 
(Cell and AltiVec, different approach than mine, haven't seen any 
benchmarks on it yet, though i intend to compare them)
(SSE2 approach, again using the coefficients method).

Though I haven't tested it, I believe that the matrix partitioning 
method is faster overall, since the calculations are fewer than the 
coefficients method. But as I said, I intend to compare these soon.

#define ALIGNMENT_SUFFIX __attribute__((  aligned(16)  ))

typedef struct ALIGNMENT_PREFIX SIMDx86Matrix
	float m[16];

// Calculate -0.0 and put it in a vector (needed for IEEE754 compliance)
// We also do two rounds of Newton-Rahpson
#define INVERSE_RECIPROCAL(inv, vec)							\
{											\
	c05[0] = 0.5f;									\
	vector float _0, y, v1, v05;							\
	vector unsigned int vtmp;							\
	vtmp = vec_splat_u32(-1);							\
	v1 = (vector float) vec_splat_u32(1);						\
	v05 = vec_ld(0, c05);								\
	v05 = vec_splat(v05, 0);							\
	_0 = (vector float)(vec_sl(vtmp, vtmp));					\
	inv = vec_re(vec);								\

#define LOAD_VECTOR(vr, vs)				\
{							\
	vr = vec_ld(0, (float *)vs);			\

#define STORE_VECTOR(vr, vs)				\
{							\
	vec_st(vr,  0, (float *)vs);			\

#define LOAD_MATRIX(m, vm1, vm2, vm3, vm4)		\
{							\
	vm1 = vec_ld(0,  (float *)m);			\
	vm2 = vec_ld(16, (float *)m);			\
	vm3 = vec_ld(32, (float *)m);			\
	vm4 = vec_ld(48, (float *)m);			\

#define STORE_MATRIX(m, vm1, vm2, vm3, vm4)		\
{							\
	vec_st(vm1,  0, (float *)m);			\
	vec_st(vm2, 16, (float *)m);			\
	vec_st(vm3, 32, (float *)m);			\
	vec_st(vm4, 48, (float *)m);			\

SIMDx86Matrix *SIMDx86Matrix_InverseOf_AltiVec(SIMDx86Matrix* pOut, const SIMDx86Matrix* pIn) {

	// Calculate the determinant, using the following formula:
	// detM = detP * det(S - R*P^(-1)*Q)
	// where:   | a1 a2 a3 a4 |   
	//      M = | b1 b2 b3 b4 | = | P Q |
	//          | c1 c2 c3 c4 |   | R S |
	//          | d1 d2 d3 d4 |
	// We use Block matrices and Liebniz Formula:
	// Calculate detP first. if detP = 0 just return 0
	// Make sure we align it properly to be used later in a vector
	// detSRPQ will in fact hold det(S - R*P^(-1)*Q)

	vector float vm_1, vm_2, vm_3, vm_4, vp_1, vp_2, vq_1, vq_2, 
		     vpq_1, vpq_2, vrp_1, vrp_2,
		     vrpq_1, vrpq_2, vsrpq_1, vsrpq_2, vt_1, vt_2,
		     vdet, invdet, v0f;
	vector unsigned int v0i, v0n, u_znzn, u_nznz;

	// Load SIMDx86 matrix
	LOAD_MATRIX(&pIn->m[0], vm_1, vm_2, vm_3, vm_4);

	// Trick to do only one load vector and minimize memory access.
		float f[4];
		unsigned int i[4];
	det.i[1] = 0x80000000L;
	det.f[0] = pIn->m[0]*pIn->m[5] - pIn->m[1]*pIn->m[4];
	if (det.f[0] == 0.0f) return NULL; // FIXME: there are cases where detP = 0 !=> detM = 0

//	printf("detP = %f\n", det.f[0]);
	// Load detP onto a vector and splat the value.
	LOAD_VECTOR(vdet, &det.f[0]);

	v0i = vec_splat_u32(0);
	v0f = (vector float)v0i;
	// This is why we did the trick with the union. We did only one vector load,
	// but from that we splat 2 vectors, for the det and the -0.0 float.
	v0n = vec_splat((vector unsigned int)vdet, 1);
	u_nznz = vec_mergeh(v0n, v0i);
	u_znzn = vec_mergeh(v0i, v0n);

	// Splat det
	vdet = vec_splat(vdet, 0);
	// Get 1/detP
	INVERSE_RECIPROCAL(invdet, vdet);

	// Now calculate S - R*P^(-1)*Q.
	// Or to make advantage of the SIMD data layout, we could use 2x4 matrix:
	// we first have to multiply [R 0 ] * [P^(-1) 0] and the result with [Q 0]
	// and finally subtract the result from [S 0]
	// But first we have to find the inverse of P^(-1) (since detP != 0 it is certain it exists)
	// The inverse of a 2x2 matrix is:
	// P^(-1) =  |  b2 -a2 |/detP
	//           | -b1  a1 |

	// We need to permute, but to save loading the permute masks from memory, we'll use mergeh
	// vp_2 -> mergeh(vm_2, vm_1) -> | b1 a1 b2 a2 |
	// vp_1 -> vp_2 << 64 = | b2 a2 0 0 |
	vp_2 = vec_mergeh(vm_2, vm_1);
	vp_1 = vec_sld(vp_2, vp_2, 8);

	// Fix the signs in vp_1:
	// vp_1 -> |  b2 -a2 |
	// vp_2 -> | -b1  a1 |
	// This part inspired from
	vp_1 = (vector float) vec_xor((vector unsigned int) vp_1, u_znzn);
	vp_2 = (vector float) vec_xor((vector unsigned int) vp_2, u_nznz);

/*	printf("after permute and xor:\n");
	STORE_VECTOR(vp_1, &dummy[0]);
	printf("vp_1: %f %f %f %f\n", dummy[0], dummy[1], dummy[2], dummy[3]);
	STORE_VECTOR(vp_2, &dummy[0]);
	printf("vp_2: %f %f %f %f\n", dummy[0], dummy[1], dummy[2], dummy[3]);*/

	// We now have the adjoint of P
	// Multiply each element with inverse detP to get P^(-1)
	vp_1 = vec_madd(vp_1, invdet, v0f);
	vp_2 = vec_madd(vp_2, invdet, v0f);

/*	printf("divide with det = %f:\n", det.f[0]);
	STORE_VECTOR(vp_1, &dummy[0]);
	printf("vp_1: %f %f %f %f\n", dummy[0], dummy[1], dummy[2], dummy[3]);
	STORE_VECTOR(vp_2, &dummy[0]);
	printf("vp_2: %f %f %f %f\n", dummy[0], dummy[1], dummy[2], dummy[3]);*/

	// Now P^(-1) is calculated, we can proceed to the first product: R*P^(-1) (1)
	// The product is done like for a 4x4 matrix but only for the first 2 lines
	// and the first 2 columns
	// Calculate the first column of p1
	vt_1 = vec_madd( vec_splat( vm_3, 0 ), vp_1, v0f );
	vt_2 = vec_madd( vec_splat( vm_4, 0 ), vp_1, v0f );
	// Multiply the 2nd column of p1, add to previous result
	vrp_1 = vec_madd( vec_splat( vm_3, 1 ), vp_2, vt_1 );
	vrp_2 = vec_madd( vec_splat( vm_4, 1 ), vp_2, vt_2 );

/*	printf("R*P^(-1):\n");
	STORE_VECTOR(vrp_1, &dummy[0]);
	printf("vrp_1: %f %f %f %f\n", dummy[0], dummy[1], dummy[2], dummy[3]);
	STORE_VECTOR(vrp_2, &dummy[0]);
	printf("vrp_2: %f %f %f %f\n", dummy[0], dummy[1], dummy[2], dummy[3]);*/

	// Calculate R*P^(-1)*Q, just multiply previous result with Q
	// using same method
	vrpq_1 = vec_madd( vec_splat( vrp_1, 0 ), vm_1, v0f );
	vrpq_2 = vec_madd( vec_splat( vrp_2, 0 ), vm_1, v0f );
	// Multiply the 2nd column of p1, add to previous result
	vrpq_1 = vec_madd( vec_splat( vrp_1, 1 ), vm_2, vrpq_1 );
	vrpq_2 = vec_madd( vec_splat( vrp_2, 1 ), vm_2, vrpq_2 );

	// Calculate P^(-1)*Q also 
	vq_1 = vec_sld(vm_1, v0f, 8);
	vq_2 = vec_sld(vm_2, v0f, 8);
	vpq_1 = vec_madd( vec_splat( vp_1, 0 ), vq_1, v0f );
	vpq_2 = vec_madd( vec_splat( vp_2, 0 ), vq_1, v0f );
	// Multiply the 2nd column of p1, add to previous result
	vpq_1 = vec_madd( vec_splat( vp_1, 1 ), vq_2, vpq_1 );
	vpq_2 = vec_madd( vec_splat( vp_2, 1 ), vq_2, vpq_2 );

/*	printf("R*P^(-1)*Q:\n");
	STORE_VECTOR(vrpq_1, &dummy[0]);
	printf("vrpq_1: %f %f %f %f\n", dummy[0], dummy[1], dummy[2], dummy[3]);
	STORE_VECTOR(vrpq_2, &dummy[0]);
	printf("vrpq_2: %f %f %f %f\n", dummy[0], dummy[1], dummy[2], dummy[3]);*/

	// S - R*P^(-1)*Q
	// Finally, just subtract the previous result from S
	vsrpq_1 = vec_sub(vm_3, vrpq_1);
	vsrpq_2 = vec_sub(vm_4, vrpq_2);

/*	printf("S - R*P^(-1)*Q:\n");
	STORE_VECTOR(vsrpq_1, &dummy[0]);
	printf("vsrpq_1: %f %f %f %f\n", dummy[0], dummy[1], dummy[2], dummy[3]);
	STORE_VECTOR(vsrpq_2, &dummy[0]);
	printf("vsrpq_2: %f %f %f %f\n", dummy[0], dummy[1], dummy[2], dummy[3]);*/

	vt_2 = vec_sld(vsrpq_2, v0f, 8);
	vt_1 = vec_sld(vsrpq_1, vt_2, 8);
	// Get the determinant of (S - R*P^(-1)*Q) and multiply with detP
	STORE_VECTOR(vt_1, &detSRPQ.f[0]);
	// FIXME: I don't like how it's done, it should be done completely in AltiVec
//	printf("detSRPQ: %08x: %f %f %f %f\n", &detSRPQ.f[0], detSRPQ.f[0], detSRPQ.f[1], detSRPQ.f[2], detSRPQ.f[3]);
	detSRPQ.f[0] = detSRPQ.f[0]*detSRPQ.f[3] - detSRPQ.f[1]*detSRPQ.f[2];
	det.f[0] = det.f[0]*detSRPQ.f[0];
//	printf("det = %f\n", det.f[0]);
	if (det.f[0] == 0.0f) return NULL;
	// Get the inverse of (S - R*P^(-1)*Q), repeat the procedure
	// Load determinant and splat
//	printf("detSRPQ = %f\n", detSRPQ.f[0]);
	LOAD_VECTOR(vdet, &detSRPQ.f[0]);
	vdet = vec_splat(vdet, 0);
	// Get 1/detP
	INVERSE_RECIPROCAL(invdet, vdet);

	vt_2 = vec_mergeh(vt_2, vt_1);
	vt_1 = vec_sld(vt_2, vt_2, 8);

	vector float vP_1, vP_2, vQ_1, vQ_2, vR_1, vR_2, vS_1, vS_2;
	// Fix the signs in vp_1:
	vS_1 = (vector float) vec_xor((vector unsigned int) vt_1, u_znzn);
	vS_2 = (vector float) vec_xor((vector unsigned int) vt_2, u_nznz);

	// We now have the adjoint of P
	// Multiply each element with inverse detP to get (S - R*P^(-1)*Q)^(-1)
	vS_1 = vec_madd(vS_1, invdet, v0f);
	vS_2 = vec_madd(vS_2, invdet, v0f);
	// Checkpoint #1: We got S' 
	STORE_VECTOR(vS_1, &dummy[0]);
	printf("vS_1: %f %f %f %f\n", dummy[0], dummy[1], dummy[2], dummy[3]);
	STORE_VECTOR(vS_2, &dummy[0]);
	printf("vS_2: %f %f %f %f\n", dummy[0], dummy[1], dummy[2], dummy[3]);

	// R' = -S'*(R*P^(-1))
	// Just multiply previous result with vrp 
	// using same method
	vR_1 = vec_madd( vec_splat( vS_1, 0 ), vrp_1, v0f );
	vR_2 = vec_madd( vec_splat( vS_2, 0 ), vrp_1, v0f );
	// Multiply the 2nd column of p1, add to previous result
	vR_1 = vec_madd( vec_splat( vS_1, 1 ), vrp_2, vR_1 );
	vR_2 = vec_madd( vec_splat( vS_2, 1 ), vrp_2, vR_2 );
	vR_1 = (vector float) vec_xor((vector unsigned int) vR_1, v0n);
	vR_2 = (vector float) vec_xor((vector unsigned int) vR_2, v0n);

	STORE_VECTOR(vR_1, &dummy[0]);
	printf("vR_1: %f %f %f %f\n", dummy[0], dummy[1], dummy[2], dummy[3]);
	STORE_VECTOR(vR_2, &dummy[0]);
	printf("vR_2: %f %f %f %f\n", dummy[0], dummy[1], dummy[2], dummy[3]);

	// Q' = -(P^(-1)*Q)*S'
	vQ_1 = vec_madd( vec_splat( vpq_1, 0 ), vS_1, v0f );
	vQ_2 = vec_madd( vec_splat( vpq_2, 0 ), vS_1, v0f );
	// Multiply the 2nd column of p1, add to previous result
	vQ_1 = vec_madd( vec_splat( vpq_1, 1 ), vS_2, vQ_1 );
	vQ_2 = vec_madd( vec_splat( vpq_2, 1 ), vS_2, vQ_2 );
	vQ_1 = (vector float) vec_xor((vector unsigned int) vQ_1, v0n);
	vQ_2 = (vector float) vec_xor((vector unsigned int) vQ_2, v0n);

	STORE_VECTOR(vQ_1, &dummy[0]);
	printf("vQ_1: %f %f %f %f\n", dummy[0], dummy[1], dummy[2], dummy[3]);
	STORE_VECTOR(vQ_2, &dummy[0]);
	printf("vQ_2: %f %f %f %f\n", dummy[0], dummy[1], dummy[2], dummy[3]);

	// P' = P^(-1) - (P^(-1)*Q)*R'
	vP_1 = vec_madd( vec_splat( vpq_1, 0 ), vR_1, v0f );
	vP_2 = vec_madd( vec_splat( vpq_2, 0 ), vR_1, v0f );
	// Multiply the 2nd column of p1, add to previous result
	vP_1 = vec_madd( vec_splat( vpq_1, 1 ), vR_2, vP_1 );
	vP_2 = vec_madd( vec_splat( vpq_2, 1 ), vR_2, vP_2 );

	vP_1 = vec_sub(vp_1, vP_1);
	vP_2 = vec_sub(vp_2, vP_2);

	STORE_VECTOR(vP_1, &dummy[0]);
	printf("vP_1: %f %f %f %f\n", dummy[0], dummy[1], dummy[2], dummy[3]);
	STORE_VECTOR(vP_2, &dummy[0]);
	printf("vP_2: %f %f %f %f\n", dummy[0], dummy[1], dummy[2], dummy[3]);

	// Finished, now let's put these back together to one matrix (4 vectors)
	// all P', Q', R', S' matrices have the needed block in the left 2x2 part
	// in the vP_*, vQ_*, vR_*, vS_* vectors. We need to shift right by 64 bits
	// the vQ_* and vS_* vectors and merge left 2x2 block of vP_* with the right
	// 2x2 block of vQ_*. Same with vR_* and vS_*. And then we have our inverse
	// matrix
	// Still TODO/FIXME:
	// vm_1 = vec_or(vP_1, vQ_1, mask);
	// vm_2 = vec_or(vP_2, vQ_2, mask);
	// vm_3 = vec_or(vR_1, vS_1, mask);
	// vm_4 = vec_or(vR_2, vS_2, mask);

	// Store the resulting inverse matrix
	STORE_MATRIX(&pOut->m[0], vm_1, vm_2, vm_3, vm_4);

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