[eigen] aliasing system

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today I've added the aliasing system and remove operator<<, so the tutorial in 
my previous e-mail does no longer work, I attach a new version of the 

What is the aliasing system? It enables the creation of a temporary object. 
Expression templates remove temporaries, which is generally very good for 
performance, but sometimes the temporary was really needed and its removal 
causes problems.

For instance, when you do (for a matrix m)
	m = m * m;
it gives m a wrong value, in Eigen2 like in every other ET-enabled library. To 
correct that, do:
        m.alias() = m * m;
Now our aliasing system is really powerful in that it is fully compatible with 
ETs. So you can do
        m.alias().xpr().block(1,3,1,3) = m.block(0,2,0,2)
to safely copy between overlapping blocks of a matrix.


using namespace std;
using namespace Eigen;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  Matrix<double,2,2> m; // 2x2 fixed-size matrix with uninitialized entries
  m(0,0) = 1;
  m(0,1) = 2;
  m(1,0) = 3;
  m(1,1) = 4;
  cout << "Here is a 2x2 matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
  cout << "Let us now build a 4x4 matrix m2 by assembling together four 2x2 blocks." << endl;
  MatrixX<double> m2(4, 4); // dynamic matrix with initial size 4x4 and uninitialized entries
  // notice how we are mixing fixed-size and dynamic-size types.
  cout << "In the top-left block, we put the matrix m shown above." << endl;
  // here we need to use .xpr() to allow write access to the block.
  m2.xpr().block(0,1,0,1) = m;
  cout << "In the bottom-left block, we put the matrix m*m, which is:" << endl << m*m << endl;
  m2.xpr().block(2,3,0,1) = m * m;
  cout << "In the top-right block, we put the matrix m+m, which is:" << endl << m+m << endl;
  m2.xpr().block(0,1,2,3) = m + m;
  cout << "In the bottom-right block, we put the matrix m-m, which is:" << endl << m-m << endl;
  m2.xpr().block(2,3,2,3) = m - m;
  cout << "Now the 4x4 matrix m2 is:" << endl << m2 << endl;
  // here we don't need to use .xpr() because we only need read access.
  cout << "The central 2x2 block of m2 is:" << endl << m2.block(1,2,1,2) << endl;
  cout << "Row 0 of m2, written as a column vector, is:" << endl << m2.row(0) << endl;
  cout << "Column 1 of m2 is:" << endl << m2.col(1) << endl;
  cout << "The matrix m2 with row 0 and column 1 removed is:" << endl << m2.minor(0,1) << endl;

  cout << endl << "Now let us study a tricky issue." << endl;
  cout << "Recall that the matrix product m*m is:" << endl << m*m << endl;
  cout << "We want to store that into m, i.e. do \"m = m * m;\"" << endl;
  cout << "Here we must be very careful. For if we do \"m = m * m;\"," << endl
       << "the matrix m becomes" << endl;
  Matrix<double,2,2> m_save = m;
  m = m * m; // the bogus operation
  cout << m << "," << endl;
  cout << "which is not what was wanted!" << endl
       << "Explanation: because of the way expression templates work, the matrix m gets" << endl
       << "overwritten _while_ the matrix product m * m is being computed." << endl
       << "This is the counterpart of eliminating temporary objects!" << endl
       << "Anyway, if you want to store m * m into m, you can do this:" << endl
       << "            m.alias() = m * m;" << endl;
  m = m_save;
  m.alias() = m * m;
  cout << "And m is now:" << endl << m << endl << "as was expected." << endl;

  return 0;

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