[eigen-commits] commit/eigen: 2 new changesets

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2 new commits in eigen:

Changeset:   866b6c524d1d
Branch:      Modified-Tensor-Module-To-Support-SYCL
User:        mehdi_goli
Date:        2019-06-28 09:08:23+00:00
Summary:     [SYCL] This PR adds the minimum modifications to the Eigen unsupported module required to run it on devices supporting SYCL.
* Abstracting the pointer type so that both SYCL memory and pointer can be captured.
* Converting SYCL virtual pointer to SYCL device memory in Eigen evaluator class.
* Binding SYCL placeholder accessor to command group handler by using bind method in Eigen evaluator node.
* Adding SYCL macro for controlling loop unrolling.
* Modifying the TensorDeviceSycl.h and SYCL executor method to adopt the above changes.
Affected #:  47 files

Changeset:   ef3927b5d0ee
User:        rmlarsen
Date:        2019-06-28 17:11:56+00:00
Summary:     [SYCL] This PR adds the minimum modifications to the Eigen unsupported module required to run it on devices supporting SYCL.
* Abstracting the pointer type so that both SYCL memory and pointer can be captured.
* Converting SYCL virtual pointer to SYCL device memory in Eigen evaluator class.
* Binding SYCL placeholder accessor to command group handler by using bind method in Eigen evaluator node.
* Adding SYCL macro for controlling loop unrolling.
* Modifying the TensorDeviceSycl.h and SYCL executor method to adopt the above changes.
Affected #:  47 files

Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/eigen/eigen/


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