[eigen-commits] commit/eigen: glchaves: GEMV: remove double declaration of constant.

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1 new commit in eigen:

Changeset:   3641109af4e9
User:        glchaves
Date:        2019-05-23 21:50:29+00:00
Summary:     GEMV: remove double declaration of constant.

That was hurting users with compilers that would object to proceed with

../Eigen/src/Core/products/GeneralMatrixVector.h:356:10: error: declaration shadows a static data member of 'general_matrix_vector_product<type-parameter-0-0, type-parameter-0-1, type-parameter-0-2, 1, ConjugateLhs, type-parameter-0-4, type-parameter-0-5, ConjugateRhs, Version>' [-Werror,-Wshadow]
         LhsPacketSize = Traits::LhsPacketSize,
../Eigen/src/Core/products/GeneralMatrixVector.h:307:22: note: previous declaration is here
  static const Index LhsPacketSize = Traits::LhsPacketSize;
Affected #:  1 file

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