[eigen-commits] commit/eigen: 2 new changesets

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2 new commits in eigen:

Changeset:   c4cda242a4b5
User:        markdryan
Date:        2018-06-25 12:05:02+00:00
Summary:     Fix AVX512 implementations of psqrt

This commit fixes the AVX512 implementations of psqrt in the same
way that ea3d21d fixed the AVX2 version of this function.  The
AVX512 versions of psqrt incorrectly return -0.0 for negative
values, instead of NaN.  Fixing the issues requires adding
some additional instructions that slow down the algorithms.  A
similar test to the one used in ea3d21d shows that the
corrected Packet16f code runs at 73% of the speed of the existing code,
while the corrected Packed8d function runs at 68% of the original.
Affected #:  1 file

Changeset:   bb8a5963135a
User:        markdryan
Date:        2018-07-30 09:19:51+00:00
Summary:     Re-enable FMA for fast sqrt functions

This commit re-enables the use of FMA for the FAST sqrt functions.
Doing so improves the performance of both algorithms.  The float32
version is now 88% the speed of the original function, while the
double version is 90%.
Affected #:  0 files

Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/eigen/eigen/


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