[eigen-commits] commit/eigen: ezhulenev: PR430: Convert count to the reducer type in MeanReducer

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1 new commit in eigen:

Changeset:   8b22f1ac36ff
User:        ezhulenev
Date:        2018-07-20 00:37:03+00:00
Summary:     PR430: Convert count to the reducer type in MeanReducer

Without explicit conversion Tensorflow fails to compile, pset1 template deduction fails.

cannot convert '((const Eigen::internal::MeanReducer<Eigen::half>*)this)
(type 'const DenseIndex {aka const long int}')
to type 'const type& {aka const Eigen::half&}'
     return pdiv(vaccum, pset1<Packet>(packetCount_));
Honestly I’m not sure why it works in Eigen tests, because Eigen::half constructor is explicit, and why it stopped working in TF, I didn’t find any relevant changes since previous Eigen upgrade.

static_cast<T>(packetCount_) - breaks cxx11_tensor_reductions test for Eigen::half, also quite surprising.
Affected #:  1 file

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