[eigen-commits] commit/eigen: 3 new changesets

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3 new commits in eigen:

Changeset:   8ceaff9f66b4
User:        joaoruileal
Date:        2016-12-19 10:45:59+00:00
Summary:     it is now possible to change Umfpack control settings before factorizations; added access to the report functions of Umfpack
Affected #:  1 file

Changeset:   241501d8e734
User:        joaoruileal
Date:        2016-12-21 09:16:28+00:00
Summary:     renamed methods umfpackReportControl(), umfpackReportInfo(), and umfpackReportStatus() from UmfPackLU to printUmfpackControl(), printUmfpackInfo(), and printUmfpackStatus()
Affected #:  1 file

Changeset:   6fb0f554e66d
User:        ggael
Date:        2016-12-21 20:39:48+00:00
Summary:     Merged in joaoruileal/eigen (pull request #276)

Minor improvements to Umfpack support
Affected #:  1 file

Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/eigen/eigen/


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