[eigen-commits] commit/eigen: rmlarsen: Reduce dispatch overhead in parallelFor by only calling thread_pool.Schedule() for one of the two recursive calls in handleRange. This avoids going through the scedule path to push both recursive calls onto another thread-queue in the binary tree, but instead executes one of them on the main thread. At the leaf level this will still activate a full complement of threads, but will save up to 50% of the overhead in Schedule (random number generation, insertion in queue which includes signaling via atomics).

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1 new commit in eigen:

Changeset:   c9296b1f6c7a
User:        rmlarsen
Date:        2016-11-14 22:18:16+00:00
Summary:     Reduce dispatch overhead in parallelFor by only calling thread_pool.Schedule() for one of the two recursive calls in handleRange. This avoids going through the scedule path to push both recursive calls onto another thread-queue in the binary tree, but instead executes one of them on the main thread. At the leaf level this will still activate a full complement of threads, but will save up to 50% of the overhead in Schedule (random number generation, insertion in queue which includes signaling via atomics).
Affected #:  1 file

Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/eigen/eigen/


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