[eigen-commits] commit/eigen: 2 new changesets

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2 new commits in eigen:

Changeset:   2ca8a369482b
User:        rmlarsen
Date:        2016-10-06 17:33:10+00:00
Summary:     Add a simple cost model to prevent Eigen's parallel GEMM from using too many threads when the inner dimension is small.

Timing for square matrices is unchanged, but both CPU and Wall time are significantly improved for skinny matrices. The benchmarks below are for multiplying NxK * KxN matrices with test names of the form BM_OuterishProd/N/K.

Improvements in Wall time:

Run on [redacted] (12 X 3501 MHz CPUs); 2016-10-05T17:40:02.462497196-07:00
CPU: Intel Haswell with HyperThreading (6 cores) dL1:32KB dL2:256KB dL3:15MB
Benchmark                          Base (ns)  New (ns) Improvement
BM_OuterishProd/64/1                    3088      1610    +47.9%
BM_OuterishProd/64/4                    3562      2414    +32.2%
BM_OuterishProd/64/32                   8861      7815    +11.8%
BM_OuterishProd/128/1                  11363      6504    +42.8%
BM_OuterishProd/128/4                  11128      9794    +12.0%
BM_OuterishProd/128/64                 27691     27396     +1.1%
BM_OuterishProd/256/1                  33214     28123    +15.3%
BM_OuterishProd/256/4                  34312     36818     -7.3%
BM_OuterishProd/256/128               174866    176398     -0.9%
BM_OuterishProd/512/1                7963684    104224    +98.7%
BM_OuterishProd/512/4                7987913    112867    +98.6%
BM_OuterishProd/512/256              8198378   1306500    +84.1%
BM_OuterishProd/1k/1                 7356256    324432    +95.6%
BM_OuterishProd/1k/4                 8129616    331621    +95.9%
BM_OuterishProd/1k/512              27265418   7517538    +72.4%

Improvements in CPU time:

Run on [redacted] (12 X 3501 MHz CPUs); 2016-10-05T17:40:02.462497196-07:00
CPU: Intel Haswell with HyperThreading (6 cores) dL1:32KB dL2:256KB dL3:15MB
Benchmark                          Base (ns)  New (ns) Improvement
BM_OuterishProd/64/1                    6169      1608    +73.9%
BM_OuterishProd/64/4                    7117      2412    +66.1%
BM_OuterishProd/64/32                  17702     15616    +11.8%
BM_OuterishProd/128/1                  45415      6498    +85.7%
BM_OuterishProd/128/4                  44459      9786    +78.0%
BM_OuterishProd/128/64                110657    109489     +1.1%
BM_OuterishProd/256/1                 265158     28101    +89.4%
BM_OuterishProd/256/4                 274234    183885    +32.9%
BM_OuterishProd/256/128              1397160   1408776     -0.8%
BM_OuterishProd/512/1               78947048    520703    +99.3%
BM_OuterishProd/512/4               86955578   1349742    +98.4%
BM_OuterishProd/512/256             74701613  15584661    +79.1%
BM_OuterishProd/1k/1                78352601   3877911    +95.1%
BM_OuterishProd/1k/4                78521643   3966221    +94.9%
BM_OuterishProd/1k/512              258104736  89480530    +65.3%
Affected #:  2 files

Changeset:   e150ef8bc0a9
User:        ggael
Date:        2016-10-14 14:51:09+00:00
Summary:     Merged in rmlarsen/eigen2 (pull request #232)

Improve performance of parallelized matrix multiply for rectangular matrices
Affected #:  2 files

Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/eigen/eigen/


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